Lesson 01

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começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
wieża kościoła
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church tower
stacja kolejowa
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railway station
ulica handlowa
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shopping street
drzwi wejściowe
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street door
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to see
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to visit
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to open
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to enter
widzieć (ten) pociąg
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to see the train
zwiedzić (tą) stację
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to visit the station
wejść do (tego) domu
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to enter the house
otworzyć (te) drzwi
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to open the door
wejść do (tego) sklepu
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to enter the shop
widzieć ulicę
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to see a street
otworzyć drzwi
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to open a door
zwiedzić wieżę
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to visit a tower
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começar a aprender
começar a aprender
começar a aprender
one, oni
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ja wchodzę do (tego) kościoła
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i enter the church
oni zwiedzają (tą) wieżę
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they visit the tower
my widzimy (ten) pociąg
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we see the train
ty otwierasz (te) drzwi
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you open the door
my widzimy (tę) wieżę
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we see the tower
ja wchodzę do sklepu
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i enter a shop
ty widzisz (tę) stację
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you see the station
oni zwiedzają kościół
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they visit a church
ja otwieram drzwi
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i open a door
ty odwiedzasz (ten) dom
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you visit the house
oni widzą (tę) ulicę
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they see the street
wchodzimy na dworzec i ja widzę pociąg
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we enter the railway station and I see the train
otwierasz drzwi, a ja wchodzę do dom
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you open the door and I enter the house
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samochód służbowy
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company car
autobus piętrowy
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double-decker bus
kobieta w ciąży
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pregnant woman
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sidewalk, pavement
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apartament, mieszkanie
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começar a aprender
ja widzę samochód
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I see a car
ja otwieram drzwi
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I open the door
ty wchodzisz do budynku
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you enter the building
my widzimy chłopca
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we see the boy
oni odwiedzają tą panią
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they visit this woman
chodzić, iść pieszo
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to walk
iść, jechać
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to go
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to have
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to look
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to drive
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have to
iść do, jechać do
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go to
patrzeć na
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look at
ja kieruje samochodem
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I drive a car
my idziemy do domu
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we go to the house
oni maja mieszkanie
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they have an apartment
ja patrzę na samochód
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I look at the car
my patrzymy na kobietę
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we look at the woman
muszę iść do pracy
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I have to go to work
kobieta kieruje samochodem
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the woman drives a car
ona patrzy na budynek
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she looks at the building
ona widzi samochód
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she sees the car
oni wchodzą do budynku i idą do mieszkania
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they enter the building and go to the apartment
kobieta idzie do sklepu
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the woman goes to the store
ulica ma chodnik
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the street has a sidewalk
autobus ma drzwi
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the bus has a door
ona idzie do kościoła
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she goes to a church
ja idę na przystanek autobusowy
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I go to the bus stop
on patrzy na mieszkanie
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he looks at the apartment
ten kościół ma wieżę
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this church has a tower
ten sklep ma drzwi
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the shop has a door
my widzimy chłopca i kobietę
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we see a boy and a woman
Adam jedzie do Warszawy. Jedzie pociągiem
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Adam goes to Warsaw. He goes by train
Pociąg wjeżdża na stację.
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The train enters the station.
On patrzy na budynki
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He looks at the buildings
On widzi wieżę kościelną
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He sees a church tower
ta wieża ma drzwi
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this tower has a door
on nie ma samochodu, więc musi chodzić pieszo
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he has no car, so he has to walk
on odwiedza wieżę i spogląda na Warszawę
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he visits the tower and he looks at Warsaw
następnie on idzie do sklepu
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then he goes to a shop
on udaje się
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he goes
ona widzi
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she sees
ulica handlowa
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shopping street
centrum handlowe
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shopping centre
później idę do sklepu
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Then I go to the shop
ja muszę mieć
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I have to have
ona nie ma samochodu
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she doesn't have a car

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