Lekcja pierwsza C2

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questão resposta
uznany, budzący uznanie
publicly praised by a lot of people
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His work was critically acclaimed
behaviour that hides someone’s real character or feelings
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A thin veneer of politeness hid Lady Bride’s growing anger.
naśladować, próbować dorównać
to do something or behave in the same way as someone else, especially because you admire them
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He hoped to emulate the success of Wilder
przyciśnięty do muru
having a lot of problems and not enough money or time
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The new exams will only add to the workload of already hard-pressed teachers.
znośny, do wytrzymania
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to reduce or prevent the bad effect of something, by doing something that has the opposite effect
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They gave him drugs to counteract his withdrawal symptoms.
certain to happen and impossible to avoid
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A further escalation of the crisis now seems inevitable
spending a lot of time sitting down, and not moving or exercising very much
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health problems caused by our sedentary lifestyles
extremely funny
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mutual feelings such as respect, trust, or hatred are feelings that two or more people have for each other
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Mutual respect is necessary for any partnership to work.
to make a long high sound
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The wind wailed in the chimney
wprawić kogoś w osłupienie
to surprise, please, or excite someone very much
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boil (sb) over
I was bowled over by the beauty of the landscape.
Coś gożej wygląda
to make something seem less good
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detract from (sth)
ike an achievement or an opinion or an object — you take away some of its value or diminish it. That dent in the door of your car may detract from its overall value.
Wszystko układa się w jedną całość.
if parts of a situation that you have been trying to understand fall into place, you start to understand how they are connected with each other
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fall into place
Suddenly, all the details started falling into place.
Nie mieć nic do roboty.
be at a loose end
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be at a loose end
I was at a loose end so I decided to go see an old movie.
Kto nie ryzykuje ten nie pie szampana.
used to say that you cannot achieve anything unless you take risks
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nothing ventured, nothing gained
His motto when it comes to business is: nothing ventured, nothing gained
bojaźliwy, tchórzliwy
not trying very hard, usually because you do not want to do something or are not confident that you will succeed
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He made a faint-hearted attempt to stop her leaving.
zatkac kogoś
used humorously to say that you are very surprised about something
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to knock sb down with a feather
When he told me he was 60, you could have knocked me down with a feather.
przebiegły, chytry
clever, careful, and not easily deceived, especially in business or politics
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cunning, sly
a canny political advisor
nie do zatrzymania, nie do obrony
an untenable situation has become so difficult that it is impossible to continue
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The scandal put the President in an untenable position.
calm sensible controlled behaviour, especially in a situation when it is difficult to stay calm
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The police were praised for their restraint in handling the demonstrators.
to grow or develop quickly
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the burgeoning market for digital cameras
a large amount of work that you need to complete, especially work that should already have been completed
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a backlog of requests
plątać się być skołowanym
to have a lot of problems and be likely to fail completely
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obopólny szacunek
a reciprocal arrangement or relationship is one in which two people or groups do or give the same things to each other
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He spoke of the necessity for a reciprocal relationship that would be useful for all sides
żyłka do interesów
the ability to think quickly and make good judgments
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business acumen
The firm’s success is largely due to Brannon’s business acumen.

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