Lekcja - 22 pełne zdania 2

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questão resposta
Co lubisz jeść
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What do you like eating
Co Rafał lubi jeść
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What das Rafał like eating
Kiedy jedziesz do Krakowa
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When are you going to Cracow
Z kim jedziesz do Krakowa
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Who are you going to Cracow with?
Z kim pracujesz dzisiaj?
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Who are you working with?
Z kim pracujesz
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Who do you work
Z kim pracujesz teraz
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Who are you working with now?
Dlaczego z nim pracujesz
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Why are you working with him?
To jest mój projekt
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This is my project
Ten projekt jest mój
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This project is mine
Oni muszą mi to powiedzieć
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They have to tell me
Nie chcę tu mieszkać
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I don't want to live here
Nie chcę z nim mieszkać
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I don't want to live with him
Nie lubię z nim mieszkać
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I don't like living with him
Mój brat jest politykiem i pracuje w parlamencie
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My brother is a politician and he works in parliament
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Wracam inglês
To get back
Każdy musi
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everybody has to

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