Lekcja 20

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questão resposta
irytować, denerwować kogoś, drażnić
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to annoy someone: Formal
1. The negative reply to my complaint really irked me.
zalane informacjami
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awash with information
1. covered with a liquid, especially water: 2. having an amount of something that is very large or larger than necessary or wanted:
1. By the time I discovered the problem, the floor was awash. 2. The city is awash with drugs and the police are powerless to do anything about it.
wydatki, wydatki
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outlays, expense
an amount of money spent for a particular purpose, especially as a first investment in something:
1. For an initial outlay of $2,000 to buy the equipment, you can earn up to $500 a month if the product sells well. 2. Few are able to afford the cash outlay.
odzyskać (pieniądze)
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to get back money that you have spent or lost:
1. It takes a while to recoup the initial costs of starting up a business. 2. The gambler recouped his losses in the next game
pożądany, poszukiwany
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wanted by many people and usually of high quality or rare: Synonyms desirable (WANTED)
[before noun ] At the age of 17 she is already one of Hollywood's most sought-after actresses.
udogodnienie, ułatwienie
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1. something, such as a swimming pool or shopping centre, that is intended to make life more pleasant or comfortable for the people in a town, hotel, or other place:
1. The council has some spare cash, which it proposes to spend on public amenities. 2. basic amenities - things considered to be necessary to live comfortably, such as hot water:
cena wywoławcza, początkowa
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asking price
drużyna muszę się odbić
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team I have to bounce
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1. zastrzeżenie, sprzeciw 2. zgłaszać sprzeciw
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a warning to consider something before taking any more action, or a statement that limits a more general statement:
He agreed to the interview, with the caveat that he could approve the final article.
drzemiący, uśpiony, nieaktywny, nie prowadzący działalności
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Something that is dormant is not active or growing but has the ability to be active at a later time:
1. The long-dormant volcano has recently shown signs of erupting. 2. These investments have remained dormant for several years.
bicie pieniędzy
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minting money
to produce a coin for the government
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self custody
the service provided by a bank or similar organization for keeping customers' documents or other valuable objects safe:
Before replying I will retrieve my contract from safe custody and check it myself.
nadchodzące wydarzenia
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upcoming events
materiał filmowy (o określonym wydarzeniu) [
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footage of
(a piece of) film especially one showing an event:
Woody Allen's movie "Zelig" contains early newsreel footage.
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to cause someone or something to seem less important or less happy:
1. Karen has always felt overshadowed by her famous elder sister. 2. My happiness was overshadowed by the bad news
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to hit someone or something forcefully with the flat inside part of your hand, producing a short, loud noise, especially as a way of punishing a child:
1. I never smack my children. 2. I'll smack your bottom if you don't behave yourself.
uciekać się do czegoś
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resort to something
wakacje zorganizowane
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package holiday
załadowany, wyładowany, obładowany,
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carrying or holding a lot of something:
1. He always comes back from France laden with presents for everyone. 2. The table, as always, was laden with food.
obnażony, goły, nagi, roznegliżowany (bez ubrania)
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1. (NO CLOTHES) without any clothes or not covered by anything: 2. (BASIC) only the most basic or important:
1. Don't walk around outside in your bare feet. 2. I just packed the bare essentials (= the most basic and necessary things).
przetwory (np. domowej roboty), dżem, konfitura
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(FOOD) a food made from fruit or vegetables boiled with sugar and water until it becomes a firm sauce:
1. mieć łzy w oczach, rozklejać się 2. podrzeć
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tear up
Jane tore up his letter.
udoskonalić (umiejętność), doprowadzić do perfekcji
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(MAKE PERFECT) to make something perfect or completely suitable for its purpose:
His physique was honed to perfection. Her debating skills were honed in the students' union.
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We planted new seedlings in the forest.
na wynos ze spotkania
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takeaway from the meeting
kasjer w banku
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a person employed in a bank to receive and pay out money:
A man was detained when a bank teller called the police.
wziąć pożyczkę
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take out a loan
postawić zakład
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put a bet on sth
za żadne skarby świata, za nic na świecie
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not for love or money
uzupełniać zapasy czegoś
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to fill something up again:
Food stocks were replenished by/with imports from abroad. Does your glass need replenishing?
przestrzegać czegoś, stosować się do czegoś, respektować coś
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abide by
formal to accept or obey an agreement, decision, or rule:
Competitors must abide by the judge's decision.
zawodowy (np. ryzyko zawodowe)
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occupational health = medycyna pracy occupational risk = ryzyko zawodowe occupational disease = choroba zawodowa
jak mówią, podobno, rzekomo, według doniesień
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according to what many people say:
1. New York is reportedly a very exciting place to live. 2. The plane was reportedly shot down by enemy aircraft. 3. 50 people have reportedly been injured in an explosion at the plastics factory.
na miejscu
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on the spot
at that moment or place
przeszukac przegrzebywac
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trawl verb (SEARCH) to search among a large number or many different places in order to find people or information you want:
1. The software is used to trawl for information on the internet. 2. You need to trawl through a lot of data to get results that are valid.
problemy mogą nagle wybuchnąć
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issues can blow up suddenly
tania knajpa slang
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mrugnij okiem
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wink your eye
ostrożny, czujny
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A cautious action is careful, well considered, and sometimes slow or uncertain:
a cautious approach cautious criticism
potentat, magnat
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a person who has succeeded in business or industry and has become very rich and powerful:
a business/property/shipping tycoon
tworzyć, składać się (na coś)
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to be the parts or members of something; to make up something:
1. Italian students comprise 60 percent of the class. 2. The class is comprised mainly of Italian and French students.
pożyczka pod zastaw
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loan secured against
deprecjonować, dyskredytować
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to criticize someone or something in a way that shows you do not respect or value him, her, or it: Synonym belittle
The actor's work for charity has recently been disparaged in the press as an attempt to get publicity.
ostro krytykować, mieszać z błotem
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to criticize someone or something severely:
His first novel was well and truly lambasted by the critics.
delikwent, winowajca, sprawca (przestępstwa)
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someone who has done something wrong:
Police hope the public will help them to find the culprits.
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disapproving too enthusiastic and eager:
1. He had to be protected from overzealous fans. 2. They were a little overzealous in eliminating risk.
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to criticize something as bad, without value, or unnecessary:
Lawyers decried the imprisonment of several journalists.
oszczerczy, zniesławiający
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A piece of writing that is libellous contains bad and false statements about a person:
1. libellous accusations 2. We reserve the right to edit letters and remove anything potentially libellous.
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