legal latin terms I

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A fortiori
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With even stronger reason; More conclusively; All the more so.
A posteriori
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From what comes after. (From effect to cause)
A priori
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From what comes before. (Reasoning from cause to effect)
Ab abusu ad usum non valet consequentia
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Consequences of abuse do not aply to general use.
Ab extra
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From without or from outside.
Ab initio (ab init)
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From the beginning.
Ab intra
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From within.
Ab origine
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From the source, from the first.
Absense haeres non erit
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An absent person will not be an heir.
Accedas ad curiam
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You may approach the court.
Accessorius sequitur
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One who is an accessory to the crime cannot be guilty of a more serious crime than the principal offender.
Actio ex delicto
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Cause of action. (Reason for lawsuit)
Actus reus
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Guilty or Wrongful act.
Ad hoc
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For a particular purpose. (Improvised, impromptu, made up in an instant)
Ad initio
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From the start.
Ad sectam (ads)
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At the suit of.
Ad valorem (Ad val.)
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According to the value.
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Failure of a gift.
Aequitas sequitur legem
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Equity follows the law.
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começar a aprender
Means of support. (Food, clothing, shelter)
começar a aprender
From another source, from elsewhere.
começar a aprender
Forensic argumentation; cross
Ambigendi locus
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Room for doubt.
Amicus curiae
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Friend of the court. (Impartial spokesperson)
Animus furandi
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The intention to steal.
Animus testandi
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The intention to make a will.
Au fait
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Acquainted with the facts; expert; proficient.
Audi alteram partem
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Hear the other side. (A principle of fairness)
Autre vie
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The life of another.
Autrefois acquit
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Already acquitted.
Autrefois convict
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Already convicted.
Bancus Communium Placitorum
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Court of Common Pleas.
Bona fiscalia
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Public property.
Bona mobilia
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Moveable property.
Bona vacantia
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Vacant goods. Goods without an apparent owner.
Boni mores
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Good morals.
Cadit quaestio
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The question falls. (The issue collapses)
Capias ad audiendum
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Writ ordering appearance in court.
Capias ad respondendum
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Writ ordering the arrest of a person.
Capias ad satisfaciendum
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Writ ordering satisfaction of an order.
Casus belli
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Act justifying war. (Grounds for a dispute)
Causa causans
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Cause that causes all things; Immediate cause.
Causa causata
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Cause resulting from a previous cause.
Caveat emptor
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Let the buyer beware. (He buys at his own risk)
Caveat venditor
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Let the seller beware.
começar a aprender
To be informed by an Appellate review court.
Ceteris paribus
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Other things being equal. (All else being equal)
Charta pardonationis se defendendo
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The form of a pardon for killing another man in self
Charta pardonationis utlagariae
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The form of a pardon of a man who is outlawed.
Chartae libertatum
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Charters of liberties.
Communi consensu
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By common consent.
Compos mentis
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Of sound mind. (Sometimes used humorously)
Consensu omnium
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By the agreement of all.
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Unanimously or, by general consent.
Consensus ad idem
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Agreement as to the same things.
Consensus omnium
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Agreement of all members.
Contra bonos mores
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Contrary to good morals.
Contra ius commune
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Against common law.
Contra ius gentium
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Against the law of nations.
Contra legem
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Against the law.
Contra mores
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Contrary to morals.
Coram non iudice
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Before a judge without proper jurisdiction.
Corpus delicti
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The body of a crime. (The substance or fundamental facts of a crime)
Corpus juris
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The body of the law. (Meaning a compendium of all laws)
Cui bono?
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To whom is it good? (Who benefits from this?) (A maxim sometimes used in the detection of crime) (Cicero)
Curia advisari vult
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The court wishes to be advised.
Custos morum
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Guardian of morals; A censor.
Custos rotularum
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Guardian of the rolls; Justice of the peace.
De bonis asportatis
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Of the goods carried away.
De die in diem
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From day to day; continuously.
De facto
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Something that is automatically accepted.
De futuro
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In the future; Regarding the future.
De integro
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Repeat again from the start.
De iure
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By law. According to law. From the law.
De jure
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Rightful, by right.
De lunatico inquiriendo
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A writ to inquire into the insanity of a person.
De minimis non curat lex
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The law does not concern itself with trifles.
De minimis
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Of minimum importance; Trifling.
De novo
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Anew, fresh, renewed, to begin again.
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Die ad diem
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From day to day.
Dies juridicus
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A day on which the court is in session.
Dies non juridicus
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A day on which the court is not in session.
Doli incapax
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Incapable of crime.
começar a aprender
Doubting the correctness of the decision.
Duces tecum
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You shall bring it with you. (Subpoena)
Ei incumbit probatio qui dicit non qui negat
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The proof lies upon the one who affirms, not the one who denies.
Eiusdem generis
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Of the same kind.
Ergo post hoc
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In logic, the fallacy of thinking that a happening which follows another must be its result.
Et alia; et alii (et al.)
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And other things; and other people.
Et cetera (etcetera) (etc.)
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And the rest, and so forth.
Et sequentia (et seq.)
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And the following.
Et uxor (et ux.)
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And wife.
Ex cathedra
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From the chair, with authority. (Without argumentation)
Ex concessis
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In view of what has already been accepted.
Ex curia
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From the court.
Ex delicto
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Matter arising out of the crime.
Ex dolo malo non oritur actio
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No right of action can have its origin in fraud.
Ex dolo malo
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From fraud; From harmful deceit.
Ex facie
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From the face of.
Ex facto jus oritur
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The law arises out of the fact.
Ex facto
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From the fact or act.
Ex gratia
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Out of kindness, voluntary. (In law, implying absence of legal right)
Ex iniuria ius non oritur
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Right can not grow out of injustice.
Ex lege
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Arising from the law.
Ex mero motu
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Of his own free will.
Ex officio
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By virtue of his office.
Ex parte
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Proceeding brought by one person in the absence of another.
Ex post facto
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After the fact, or retrospectively.
Ex relatione (ex rel.)
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Upon being related; Upon information.
Exceptis excipiendis
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Excepting those (factors) which should be excepted.
Felo de se
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Evildoer upon himself. (Suicide)
Fiat justitia, ruat caelum
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Let justice be done, though the heavens fall.
Fieri facias
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Writ authorizing execution of a judgment.
Fons et origo
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The source and origin.
Force majeure
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Act of God.
Forum rei
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The court of the country in which the subject of an action is situated.
Functus officio
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Having discharged his duty and flies ceased to have any authority over a matter.
Habeas corpus
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You must have the body. (A legal writ to end unlawful restraint by bringing a prisoner into court)
Id est (i.e.)
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That is to say.
In absentia
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In one's absence.
In actu
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In act; In the very act; In reality.
In banco
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On the bench.
In camera
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In secret or private session; Not in public.
In consimili casu
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In a like case.
In curia
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In court.
In delicto
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At fault.
In esse
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In existence.
In extenso
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At full length.
In extremis
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At the point of death.
In flagrante delicto
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In the very act of committing an offence. (Red
In forma domestico
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In a domestic court.
In forma pauperis
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In the form of a poor person; in a humble or abject manner.
In foro
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In forum; In court.
In futoro
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In the future.
In haec verba
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In these words.
In limine
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On the threshold, at the very outset.
In loco (in loc.)
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In the place.
In loco citato (in loc. cit., loc. cit.)
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In the place cited.
In loco parentis
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In the place of a parent.

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