L5 sounds & silence, Easter eggs

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rozproszenie/ something that disturbs you
fast talker
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szybki mówca/ a person who talks a lot, often because they want to influence you and force you to make a decision without thinking
awkward silence
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niezręczna cisza
gut feeling
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monkey mind
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małpi umysł/ when you think about many different things at the same time and have no time to pause
weigh the pros and cons
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zważyć plusy i minusy/ consider the good and bad points
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bełkot/ nonsense, speech that you can’t understand
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a peaceful and private place where you can go in order to rest
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the sound of rain falling on the roof
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the sound of a dentist's drill
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the sound of a revving motorbike
filing nails
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piłowanie paznokci
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a strange hum
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dziwne buczenie
bubble wrap
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folia bąbelkowa
popping noise
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trzaskający dźwięk
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the crashing of waves
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rozbijanie się fal
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ostrich egg
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strusie jajo
fried egg
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jajko sadzone
egg shell
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skorupka jajka
dyed egg
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barwione jajko
have egg on one's face
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A common idiom that means to be embarassed
build up quite a nest egg
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a common idiom that means to save a lot of money
walk on egg shells
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a common idiom which means being very careful not to upset somebody or make him/her cry
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
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An idiom which says that we should consider other options
You can't make an omlette without breaking eggs.
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An idiom that means you have to do something disruptive or difficult to achieve good results
It's a real chicken and egg situation.
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an idiom used in a situation in which it is difficult to tell which of two things comes first

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