L13 third conditional & crimes

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questão resposta
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defraudacja, sprzeniewierzenie
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get the sack
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zostać wylanym z pracy
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a bribe
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It cuts no ice with the judge
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To nie tnie lodu z sędzią = the judge will not change his decisions
If I hadn't been working so hard yesterday I wouldn't be tired today
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Gdybym wczoraj nie pracował tak ciężko, nie byłbym dzisiaj zmęczony
If I had had money yesterday, I would have bought you a rose.
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Gdybym miał wczoraj pieniądze, kupiłbym ci różę.
gain control
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zyskać kontrolę
dream of
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śnić o
take for granted
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nie doceniać, brać za pewnik
If I wasn't so stubborn, she wouldn't have left, she would have still been with me.
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Gdybym nie był taki uparty, nie wyszłaby, nadal byłaby ze mną.

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