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questão resposta
time is running out
You must hurry up. Time's running out and the sheme is not ready yet.
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czas ucieka
take place
Where did the last battle of the campaign take place? Was it in Stalingrad?
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mieć miejsce (o zdarzeniu)
Koncert odbędzie się na głównym placu miasta.
in case of
In case of cold weather, I'd like you to put on your winter cap and the warm socks.
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W przypadku
be settled in time
Bills ought to be settled in time to avoid penalty payment.
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być rozliczonym w czasie
similarity between
There's not much similarity between John and Paul even though they're twins.
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its no use
It's no use telling her about our problems. She will not help us.
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nie ma sensu
take up sport
Young people should take up sport rather than spend hours in front of TV.
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uprawiać sport
on me
I don't have so much money on me.
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przy sobie
make diffrence to
Does it make much difference to you if I paint the railings yellow?
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zrobić różnicę
as a matter of fact
He tells everyone that he is a foreign tourist, but as a matter of fact he is a spy.
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faktem jest, że
Może i jestem mały, ale tak naprawdę jestem bardzo silny.
things are looking up
Our situation was bad at the start, but now things are beginning to look up.
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sytuacja się poprawia
pay a visit
The queen has been invited to pay a visit in our country next years.
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natural disaster
After the tornado, many people moved to the areas where no natural diseasters occur.
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katastrofa naturalna
on average,
On average, thirty illegal immigrants are captured by the officers each night.
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średnio, przeciętnie
approve of
I find interviews exhausting. I don't approve of being asked too many questions at a time.
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comparison with
Flats are much cheaper here in comparison with those in the city centre.
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porównanie z
give birth to a child
Early in the morning, my wife gave birth to a wonderful baby boy.
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urodzić dziecko
turn down
Jason's in despair. Another company has turned down his job application.
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do a favour
Will you do me a favour, please? Will you help me carry these suitacases?
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zrobić przysługę
enabled me to do
This generous donation has enabled our centre to buy modern sports equipment.
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umożliwił mi to zrobić
attach importance to (sth)
You don't attach much importance to quality, which is a big mistake.
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przywiązują wagę do (czegoś)
provide somebody with something
Mr Harris is our main supplier. He provides us with everything we need.
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dostarczać/zapewniać coś komuś
do without sth
During their stay on the island, the visitors have to do without the conveniences of everyday life.
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obyć się bez czegoś
sense of sth
What's the speech about? I can't somehow make sense of what is being said.
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poczucie sensu czegoś
blind date
It's going to be a blind date. I know nothing about the girl I am meeting tonight.
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randka w ciemno
set on fire
The man who set this building on fire is still being looked for by the police.
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live their lives
Vagabonds are said to live their lives free of any stresses.
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przeżyć swoje życie
take by surprise
We were taken by surprise to hear that Tom and Betty were getting divorced.
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keep in touch
You and Andy were the best friends at school. Do you still keep in touch?
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być w kontakcie
skidding on a road
I got scared when the car in front of me started skidding on the slippery road.
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poślizg na drodze
take to sb
Mrs Francis is an ideal baby sitter. Our kids took to her immediately.
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polubić kogoś
get a clue
This is a very difficult question. I haven't got a clue how to answer it.
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domyślić się
drop out
After only three months of studying, our son dropped out of university.
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wycofać się
happen to do something
I need to talk to Lisa. If you happen to see her, tell her to give me a ring, please.
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zdarzy się coś zrobić
at large
It's been reported that the dangerous criminal is still at large.
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na wolności
as far as I know
As far as I know, babies should sleep at least sixteen hours a day.
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o ile wiem,
take to iron
How much time does it usually take you to iron a shirt like this?
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zabrać do prasowania
put me off
I liked that green jacket, but it was the exorbitant price that put me off.
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odrzucać kogoś
regret something
Why don't you just say you regret calling him a fool and make things up?
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żałować czegoś
it appears to me
It appears to me that we're in for an emergency situation.
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wydaje mi się,
tell them apart
Joe and Jim are identical twins. Only their parents can tell them apart.
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odróżnić je od siebie
lend a hand
Next Saturday, I'm doing my room up. Will you lend a hand, George?
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nothing to do with
Don't look at me so suspiciously. I have nothing to do with the mess.
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nic wspólnego z
resulted in
Last year, the torrential rains resulted in a huge devastationof crops.
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on getting off
On getting off the train, we realised we had missed our destination.
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Przy wysiadaniu (podczas)
pleasure in something
What he loves is fresh air activities. He takes pleasure in climbing, for example.
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przyjemność w czymś
Many happy returns!
'Many happy returns of your birthday, Linda!' "Thank you, Darren."
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Sto lat!
successfull in sth
Thought he learned hard, Mickey wasn't successfull in passing the maths exam.
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sukces w czymś
account for sth
This is the third time you have forgotten about your homework. How are you going to account for this?
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konto dla czegoś
dreams come true
Only considerable lottery winnings could help make my dreams come true.
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marzenia się spełniają

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