Knowledge idioms

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on a need-to-know basis
used to refer to the practice of providing information only to those who absolutely reqiure that specific information.
due to security concerns, information about the operation will be distributed on a need-to-know basis.
znac sie na czyms bardzo dobrze
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back to front
Used to indicate one's complete knowledge or understanding of something.
byc dobrze poinformowanym, badz zaznajomionym z czyms.
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to know something like the back of one's hand
to be well informed about or completely familiar with sth
She has been studying French for years, so she knows the language like the back of her hand.
znać kogoś lub coś na wylot
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to know sb or sth inside out
to have very good knowledge or understanding about someone or something
She has worked with this software extensively and knows it inside out
mieć coś na wyciągnięcie ręki
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to have something at ones's fingertips
to have easy, immediate access to something, often resources or information
As an experienced pilot, Blake has emergency procedures at his fingertips in case of any issues during flight.
mieć coś opanowanego do perfekcji
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to have something down pat
to know sth so perfectly that one can do it at any time without having on focus or think
After years of practice, he has the presentation down pat and can deliver it without any hesitation
być na bieżąco z czymś
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up to speed with sth
in a state of being informed and knowledgeable about a particular topic or situation
She quickly got up to speed with the project's requirements and contributed effectively.
tajniki czegoś
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the ins and outs of sth
a complete set of facts or details about how sth is done or how it works.
She has been working here for years, so she knows the ins and outs of company policies.
opieranie sie na osiągnięciqch poprzedników
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to stand on the shoulders of giants
to take advantage of the understanding and discoveries of influential figures who have been through the same or similar intellectual progress
znac sie co nieco, znac sue na rzeczy
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a thing or two
some pieces of information or knowledge that may be useful or relevant at a later time.
She knows a thing or two about cars.
być swiadomym sytuacji, wiedzieć o co chodzi
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to know the score
To be well-informed about a particular situation, to the point where one is able to determine the outcome.
Don't try to fool him, he knows the score!
zaradność życiowa, spryt uliczny
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street smarts
The knowledge or experience that is crucial for one to survive or succeed in urban environments.
He didn't have a formal education, but he had street smarts and always found a way to make things work.

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