Kasia 26th May (45 min)

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questão resposta
Nic nie przygotowałam na dzisiaj.
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I haven't prepared sth for today.
w tramwaju
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on a tram
wyłapać coś
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to pick sth up (e.g. words)
I picked up a few words of Greek when I was there last year.
to learn something by watching or listening to other people
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the Czech Republik, also called Czechia
po czesku
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in Czech
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a generation
Jestem z siebie dumna.
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I'm proud of myself.
Ona nie miała pojęcia co wydarzy się potem.
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She had no clue what would happen next.
Ona powiedziała, że mi pomoże.
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She said she would help me.
ktoś z kim podrużujesz
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a travelling companion
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to snore
ktoś, kto ma głęboki sen
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a heavy-sleepers
a light-sleeper
zgrzytać żebami
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to grind your teeth
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I wish!
pierwszorzędny, pierwszej klasy
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I was lucky and got myself a job with a top-notch company.
Polskie kliniki są daleko w tyle.
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Polish clinics are far behind.
Their social and economic development is so far behind the rest of the world that they can never compete on equal terms.
przy mnie
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by my side
Oni oboje mówią perfekcyjnie po niemiecku.
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They both speak perfect German.
Przeszłyśmy na angielski.
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We switched TO English.
Do you mind if we switch TO German?
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a period
I was 12 years old when I started my periods.
When did you last have a period?
tak dużo jak to możliwe
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as many as possible
bilet w obie strony
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a return ticket
nieskomplikowany / łatwy
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Installing the program is relatively straightforward.
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znieczulenie ogólne
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general anaesthesia
Operations were carried out UNDER light anaesthesia.
znieczulenie miejscowe
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local anaesthesia
Nine patients had the procedure under local anaesthesia.
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a needle
miesjca, które trzeba zobaczyć
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must-see places
Jeśli coś pójdzie nie tak, nie będę żałować.
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If sth goes wrong, I will have no regrets.
przebłyski słońca
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sunny spells
Water the young plants carefully during dry spells.
cold/wet/dry spell

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