Kasia 18th Nov 2014

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questão resposta
wchodzić w szczegóły
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to go into detail
McDougal was reluctant to go into detail (=give a lot of details) about the new deal.
czy możesz poczekać chwilkę?
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Could you wait a second?
Could you wait for a second? (LESS COMMON)
w planie spotkania
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on the agenda
Measures to combat terrorism will be high on the agenda.
be high on the agenda/be top of the agenda (=be one of the most important problems to deal with)
czuć się nieswojo
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czuć się nieswojo inglês
to be / feel like a fish out of water
NEVER: to be / feel like a fish out of THE water
I felt like a fish out of water in my new school. I always feel like a fish out of water at formal gatherings.
spotkanie / zebranie
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sytuacja finansowa
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financial situation
w porównaniu z czymś
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in comparison to/ with sth
zarzucić komuś
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to accuse somebody OF (doing) something
He was accused of murder. Smith accused her of lying.
być zmuszonym coś zrobić
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to be forced TO do sth
wiązać koniec z końcem
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to make ends meet
zaspokoić potrzeby
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to satisfy one's needs
meet/satisfy a need (=provide something that people want or need)
satisfy somebody's needs/demands/desires
powiedzieć prawdę
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to tell the truth
NEVER: say the truth
Wolałabym, żebyś nie palił tak dużo.
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I wish you WOULDN'T smoke so much.
złożyć skargę
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to make a complaint
skarżyć się / narzekać
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to complain

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