Kamile 25th Jan 2017 #5

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questão resposta
nie ma sprawy / nie ma problemu
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that's all right / no problem
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to apologise sb
I apologise for being late. / I'm sorry for being late. / I'm sorry I'm late.
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My apologies!
Myślę, że powinnaś go przeprosić.
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I think you should apologise him.
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radzić komuś, żeby coś zrobił
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to adviSe sb to do sth
Moja mama poradziła mi, żebym poszła do szoły.
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My mum advised me to go to school.
poprawić / polepszyć
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to improve
Myślę, że powinnaś słuchać więcej rosyjskich piosenek.
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I think you should listen TO more Russian songs.
Słuchaj mnie.
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Listen TO me.
Codziennie słucham muzyki.
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Every day I listen TO music.
Chciałabym poprawić mój angielski.
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I would like / I'd like TO improve my English.
Ona zapomniała przeprosić.
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She forgot TO apologise.
Czy chcesz herbatę?
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Do you want a cup of tea / a cuppa?
Czy chciałabyś herbatę?
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Would you like a cup of tea?
Czy chciałabyś obejrzeć ze mną film?
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Would you like TO watch a film with me?
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to lose weight
stracić / zgubić
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to lose - lost - lost
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to gain weight
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Może pójdę do kina w ten weekend.
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I might go to the cinema this weekend.
Jakie masz plany na weekend?
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What are you plans for the weekend?
Idę do kina (mam bilety)
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I'm going to the cinema.
pospać dłużej
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to sleep in
Zaspałam dzisiaj, bo mój budzik nie zadzwonił.
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I overslept today because my alarm didn't go off.
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alarm / alarm clock
na zdrowie
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bless you
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to sneeze
zadwonić (budzik / alarm)
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to go off
My alram went off at 7.30.
15 minutes
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a quarter
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the worst
ta książka jest najgorsza
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this book is the worst
tamta książka jest najlepsza
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that book is the best
w połowie lutego
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in mid-February / in the middle of February
Ona mieszkała w Niemczech 4 i pół miesiąca.
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She LIVED in Germany 4 and a half months./ She used to live in Germany 4 and a half months.
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to use /juz/
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to party
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Cieszę się twoim szczęściem.
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I'm happy FOR you.
Czy jesteś w ciązy?
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Are you pregnant?
Myślę, że ona jest w ciąży.
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I think she is pregnant.
Kiedy rodzisz?
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When is your baby due?

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