Job idioms Vince p213

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be headhunted by
Jane was headhunded by a multinational company.
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być złowionym przez
be at the end of your tether
Pam is at the end of her tether. She has run out of patience.
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być u kresu wytrzymałości
give the sack/to fire
Mary was given the sack. = She was dismissed.
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keep/put/have your nose to the grindstone
If I put my nose to the grindstone, I'll finish the job this week👌
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harować jak wół, wziąć się do roboty
a golden handshake
Sue was given a golden handshake. = She received a cash bonus on leaving her job.
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wysoka odprawa ("złoty uścisk dłoni")
take on
Helen took on a new secretary.
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przyjąć, podjąć się
on the go
Ann is on the go all dsy. =She is very busy.
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aktywny, zajęty
be overlooked
Brenda was overlooked.= She didn't get promoted.
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być pominiętym
make good
Judith has made good. = She has become successful👍
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odnieść sukces
keep her nose on her toes
Pailine's boss keeps her nose on her toes.
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trzymać kogoś w gotowości

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