JK, 18.04

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questão resposta
by email
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I would like = I’d like
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I would like to change the contract.
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Chciałbym zmienić umowę.
I would like to discuss the changes.
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Chciałbym omówić zmiany.
I would like to see the machines.
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Chciałbym zobaczyć urządzenia.
I would like to check the contract.
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Chciałbym sprawdzić umowę.
I would like to take a look at...
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Chciałbym rzucić okiem na...
I would like to have a break.
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chciałbym zrobić przerwę.
I would like to talk to you.
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Chciałbym z tobą pogadać.
Would you like...?
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Czy chciałbyś...?
Would you like to meet on Tuesday?
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Chciałbyś się spotkać w piątek?
Would you like to come to my office?
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Chciałbyś przyjść do mojego biura?
Would you like some coffee?
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Chciałbyś kawy?
get bored
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nudzić się
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to discuss
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to check
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to check inglês
to change
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to take a look
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