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If sth unpleasant like corruption or disease is very common or frequent, it is ____. começar a aprender
PLAGIARISM at Oxford appears to be rife
A student who is studying for their first degree at college or university. começar a aprender
PLAGIARISM at Oxford appears to be rife among undergraduate and postgraduate students,
A student who has already obtained one degree and is studying at a university for a more advanced qualification. começar a aprender
PLAGIARISM at Oxford appears to be rife among undergraduate and postgraduate students,
A teacher who works with one student or a small group, either at a British college or university or in the home of a child. começar a aprender
it passes unnoticed by examiners and tutors
A member of the teaching staff of any of certain universities having the duties of enforcing discipline. começar a aprender
the senior proctor, who is the university's chief disciplinary officer
A written statement which sb makes after they have sworn officially to tell the truth and which might be used as proof in a court of law. Pol. pisemne oświadczenie złożone pod przysięgą. começar a aprender
all students should be required to sign an affidavit
To give or offer (something) for a decision to be made by others. Example: She must ____ the application for the job by Friday. começar a aprender
all students should be required to sign an affidavit for every piece of work they submitted
To prevent or discourage (someone) from doing something by making it difficult for them to do it or by threatening bad results if they do it. começar a aprender
he accepted it might not prove a great deterrent.
To put together clumsily. começar a aprender
a work that is more or less cobbled together from the internet ".
If sb's beliefs or values are ___, they are so firmly held that they are not likely to change começar a aprender
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an ingrained habit acquired through earlier encouragement and approval
Showing a lack of care about risks or danger, and acting without thinking about the results of your actions. começar a aprender
"intentional or reckless" plagiarism
A lecturer or college teacher, esp. at Oxford or Cambridge University in England. começar a aprender
Degree, extent, or frequency of occurrence. Pol. częstość (występowania). começar a aprender
the incidence exceeds the observed events
Pol. (Comp.) wkleić, wstawić. começar a aprender
copy-and-paste from the internet
Using exactly the same words as were originally used. Example: She had an amazing memory and could recall ____ quite complex conversations. começar a aprender
they submit essays containing whole pages of this verbatim material
Always being careful to notice things, esp. possible danger. começar a aprender
Vigilance is required for the sake of the education
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for the sake of the education
If sth is suggested but not communicated directly (not explicit), it is _____. começar a aprender
to create implicit understandings that plagiarism is acceptable in practice
An ____ is an informal agreement about sth. (count.) começar a aprender
to create implicit understandings that plagiarism is acceptable in practice
To make known (religious truth) or give religious or moral instruction or exhortation in (sermons). To advocate (a virtue, action, etc.), esp. in a moralizing way. começar a aprender
despite preaching and signing of affidavits
(of events) following one after another without an interruption. começar a aprender
any six consecutive words identical with a source need to be acknowledged
(of a theory, plan or agreement) formed very carefully in every detail so that there is no doubt or uncertainty. começar a aprender
an unacknowledged string of 10 consecutive identical words is pretty watertight evidence of malpractice
Failure to act correctly or legally when doing your job, esp. causing injury or loss. começar a aprender
it is pretty watertight evidence of malpractice