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questão resposta
w nocy
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at night
w weekend
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at the weekend
w trzy tygodnie
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in tree weeks
w piątek
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on Friday
w poniedziałek wieczorem
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on Monday evening
po południu
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in the afternoon
26 czerwca
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on 26th june
w torbie
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in the bag
na stole
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on the table
przy stole
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at the table
w środku dnia
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in the middle of the day
na przeciw klasy
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in front of the class
na końcu ulicy
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at the end of the street
do szkoły
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to school
do rzeki
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into the river
na stół
começar a aprender
onto the table
w stronę mężczyzny
começar a aprender
towards the man
ze szkoły
começar a aprender
from school

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