Ilości - Quantities

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torebka cukru
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a bag of sugar
tabliczka czekolady
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a bar of chocolate
butelka wody
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a bottle of water
miska ryżu
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a bowl of rice
karton płatków
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a box of cereal
pudełko czekoladek
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a box of chocolates
puszka Coca-Coli
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a can of Coke
karton mleka
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a carton of milk
filiżanka herbaty
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a cup of tea
szklanka soku
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a glass of juice
słoik dżemu
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a jar of jam
kilo mięsa
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a kilo of meat
bochenek chleba
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a loaf of bread
paczka spaghetti
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a package of spaghetti
kawałek sera
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a piece of cheese
kawałek pizzy
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a slice of pizza
łyżka cukru
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a spoon of sugar

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