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add insult to injury
He was late, then just to add insult to injury, he lied to me.
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dolewać oliwy do ognia
be on the ball
Our new worker is really on the ball.
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mieć łeb na karku
blessing in disguise
The accident I had was a blessing in disguise as I met my future wife in hospital.
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szczęście w nieszczęściu
cut corners
If we don’t cut corners, we will go bankrupt.
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pójść na skróty/ ciąć koszty
cost an arm and a leg
Believe me! This bag costs an arm and a leg.
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kosztować majątek
for a song
I bought this car for a song.
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za bezcen
give somebody the cold shoulder
Did you hear that Adriana gave Mike the cold shoulder at the party? I wonder why.
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traktować kogoś ozięble
have a lot on one’s plate
I can’t join you. I have had a lot on my plate this week.
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mieć dużo na głowie
hit the nail on the head
I think George hit the nail on the head when he said that Jenny needs to work harder.
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trafić w sedno
in the nick of time
They helped the victims in the nick of time.
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w samą porę
kill two birds with one stone
I was learning English words while cooking dinner, so I killed two birds with one stone.
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upiec dwie pieczenie na jednym ogniu
know the ropes
Every programmer should know the ropes.
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znać tajniki/znać się na czymś
miss the boat
If you don’t accept this offer, you may find you’ve missed the boat.
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przegapić szansę
once in a blue moon
I only see my cousins once in a blue moon.
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od święta
sit on the fence
You can’t sit on the fence any longer! What’s your decision?
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być niezdecydowanym
speak of the devil
Speak of the devil – here’s Jane now.
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o wilku mowa
take something with a pinch of salt
If I were you, I’d take his words with a pinch of salt.
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wziąć coś z przymrużeniem oka
the last straw
David saw his girlfriend flirting with his colleague and that was the last straw. He broke up with her.
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kropla przepełniająca czarę goryczy
it's not unheard of her/him to do so
it's not undeard of her to be jelous
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to nie jest niespotykane u niego u niej
it saved the day
The team was expected to lose, but Sally made three points and saved the day.
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uratować sytuację
slip through someone's fingers
Don't let Max slip through your fingers again this time!
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uciekać, wymknąć się
I have to go along with that
If you think, that presented changes are necessary for increasing efficiency of our work, then I have to go along with that.
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muszę się z tym zgodzić
you... I'll give you that
you played really well, I'll give you that
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muszę Ci to przyznać
if my memory serves me well
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jeśli mnie pamięć nie myli
I'm finding my feet
I've worked in this company for 3 months but I'm still finding my feet.
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wciąż się odnajduję.
to chuck it all in
This work makes me feel so tired maybe I should chuck it all in.
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rzucić to wszystko w diably
you've overstayed your welcome
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nadużyłeś naszej goscinności
... and what have you
Their garage is full of bikes, sleds, old boots, and what have you.
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i takie tam...
scratch the surface
We did not have enough time to discuss about it, we've just scratched the surface
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tylko powierzchownie liznąć temat
let me say my piece
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pozwól mi powiedzieć, moja czesc
I've put a lot of thought into it...
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długo nad tym myślałem
to take the plunge
Finally the decided to take the plunge. They got married last week.
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zdecydować się na coś.
tickle your fancy
Buy this dress if tickles your fancy.
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jeśli to lubisz, jeśli Ci się podoba
be thin on the ground
Bears are getting rather thin on the ground in European forests.
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jest czegoś bardzo mało
he can pull a few strings
If your really want this job, talk to Peter, he can pull a few strings.
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ma chody
let me return to the matter at hand
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wróćmy do meritum
to shoot the breeze
We spent the entire afternoon just shooting the breeze.
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paplać, gadać bez celu
to be barking up the wrong tree
to follow the wrong course: If you think I'm the guilty person, you're barking up the wrong tree.
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mylić się
to cut a dash
In this suit you are cutting a dash.
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wyglądać elegancko
to put sb's best foot forward
you might invest in a brand new pair od shoes in order to put your best foot forward.
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zaprezentować się jak najlepiej
to put sb off their stride
This loud music puts me totaly off my stride.
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wybijać kogoś rytmu
to be cheesed off
to be fed up, bored or annoyed
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byc zmeczonym, znudzonym czyms konketnie
to put your foot in it
to say something inappropriate
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powiedziec cos nieodpowiedniego
to swan off
to move about or go somewhere to have fun, in an irresponsible
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bawic sie w nieodpowiedzialny sposob
to hold the fort
to take responsibility for situation while someone else is absent
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zarządzać w zastępstwie kogoś
to pull your socks up
to return your performance to the required level
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przywrocic swoja skutecznosc do pozadanego levelu
to pick up the pieces
to deal with the negative consequences of other people's actions
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borykac sie z konsekwencjami czynow innych osob
to be at the end of your tether
to be at the limit of your tolerance
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byc u kresu swojej wytrzymalosci
to pull your weight
to do your fair share of work
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robic swoja robote

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