I wish ossp

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Szkoda, że nie mieszkasz bliżej
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I wish you lived nearer
Szkoda, że muszę wstawać tak wcześnie
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I wish I didn’t have to wake up so early
Szkoda, że cię tu nie ma
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I wish you were here
Szkoda, że jesteś taki wredny
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I wish you weren’t so nasty
Szkoda, że nie jestem bogaty
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I wish I was rich
Szkoda, ze on jest taki zajęty
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I wish he wasn’t so busy
Szkoda, że Adam nie potrafi grać w koszykówkę
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I wish Adam could play basketball
Szkoda, że zarabiam tak mało
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I wish I didn’t earn so little
Szkoda, że Susan nie mówi po hiszpańsku
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I wish Susan spoke Spanish
Szkoda, że oni nie odwiedzają nas częściej
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I wish they visited us more often
Szkoda, że James nie urządza więcej imprez
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I wish James gave more parties
Szkoda, że mnie nie rozumiesz
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I wish you understood me
Szkoda, że Peter jest taki uparty
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I wish Peter wasn’t so stubborn
Szkoda, że oni są tacy skąpi
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I wish they weren’t so mean.
Szkoda, że nie umiem prowadzić
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I wish I could drive
Szkoda, że on nie gra z nami
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I wish he played with us
Szkoda, że Adam nie ma samochodu.
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I wish Adam had a car
Szkoda, że muszę leżeć w łóżku
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I wish I didn’t have to lie in bed
Szkoda, że mieszkam tak daleko od ciebie
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I wish I didn’t live so far away from you
Szkoda, że nie mam parasola
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I wish I had an umbrella
It’s a pity that John doesn’t speak French
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I wish John spoke French
It’s a pity that Peter has to work so much
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I wish Peter didn’t have to work so much
It’s a pity that I can’t sing
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I wish I could sing
It’s a pity that they live so far away from us
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I wish they didn’t live so far away from us
It’s a pity that we have to work long hours
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I wish we didn’t have to work long hours
It’s a pity that they are so busy
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I wish they weren’t so busy
It’s a pity that Susan has to stay in bed
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I wish Susan didn’t have to stay in bed
It’s a pity that I don’t have a pet
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I wish I had a pet
It’s a pity that I live in a block of flats
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I wish I didn’t live in a block of flats
It’s a pity that you are so messy
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I wish you weren’t so messy
It’s a pity that James can’t swim
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I wish James could swim
It’s a pity that I don’t know how to cook
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I wish I knew how to cook
It’s a pity that my brother doesn’t understand me
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I wish my brother understood me
It’s a pity that Adam doesn’t have more time for us
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I wish Adam had more time for us
It’s a pity that Peter doesn’t visit us more often
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I wish Peter visited us more often
It’s a pity that I can’t tell her the truth
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I wish I could tell her the truth
It’s a pity that they spend so much time at work
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I wish they didn’t spend so much time at work
It’s a pity that I have to work tomorrow
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I wish I didn’t have to work tomorrow
It’s a pity that I don’t earn more
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I wish I earned more
It’s a pity that you don’t love me more
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I wish you loved me more


mielismy ele escreveu: 2012-09-28 10:30:02
co je fafel

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