I Idioms 1/2

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I beg to differ
I beg to differ. I really don’t think that’s the case. In fact, I believe it’s quite the contrary. I think the Polish economic situation is improving.
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pozwoli pan, że się nie zgodzę
I beg your pardon
I beg your pardon? Did you hear what I just said!
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I can hardly believe it
I can hardly believe that Tom and Lauren are getting divorced. They’ve always been such a loving couple.
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z trudem mogę w to uwierzyć
I can’t figure it out
I’ve been working on the task for quite a while now, but I still can’t figure it out.
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nie mogę tego zrozumieć/pojąć
I can’t help it
I would really like to stop smoking but I simply can’t help it.
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nic na to nie poradzę
I could have sworn that
I could have sworn that it was you I saw yesterday in the city centre.
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mógłbym przysiąc, że
I couldn’t agree more
You are totally right. I simply couldn’t agree more.
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w zupełności się z tobą zgadzam
I couldn’t believe my eyes!
I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw Kylie walking down the High Street.
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nie wierzyłem własnym oczom!
I couldn’t care less
I don’t know if Anne is going to pass or not, but I have to admit that I couldn’t care less.
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nic mnie to nie obchodzi, mam to gdzieś
I couldn’t get a word in edgeways
It was an extremely heated discussion and I couldn’t get a word in edgeways.
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nie mogłem dojść do słowa
I didn’t expect that of her
When Sally quit school, it was a surprise to me. I really didn’t expect that of her.
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nie spodziewałem się tego po niej
I didn’t mean it
I am really sorry I called you an idiot. I really didn’t mean it. I was simply angry and didn’t know what I was saying.
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tak mi się tylko powiedziało, nie chciałem tego powiedzieć
I didn’t sleep a wink
I am absolutely knackered after last night’s party. I didn’t sleep a wink.
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nie zmrużyłem oka
I don’t buy it
No matter what you say, I just don’t buy it.
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nie kupuję tego (nie wierzę w to)
I get the idea
Oh, right. I see what you mean. I finally get the idea.
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rozumiem, zaczynam rozumieć
I have a lump in my throat
I had a lump in my throat and tried not to cry.
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ściska mnie w gardle
I have a sore throat
I have a sore throat and a high fever. It might be the flu.
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boli mnie gardło
I have no intention of doing it
Now that I am already unpacked and settled, I have absolutely no intention of moving rooms.
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nie mam najmniejszego zamiaru tego robić
I have nothing further to add
I have said what I had to say and have nothing further to add. Just tell me what you think.
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nie mam już nic do dodania
I haven’t got the slightest idea
Sorry, I am afraid I can’t help you. I haven’t got the slightest idea about the history of philosophy.
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nie mam zielonego pojęcia
I kind of like it
I know the car is rather old and not particularly practical, but I kind of like it.
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trochę to lubię
I leave it to you
I really don’t mind where we go. I’ll leave the decision totally to you.
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zostawiam to tobie, to zależy od ciebie
I mean business
I mean business when I am talking about the trip to Spain.
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nie żartuję
I object to being treated in this manner!
I object to being treated in this manner. I think I deserve more than that!
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sprzeciwiam się takiemu traktowaniu!
I owe it all to you
I can’t thank you enough. I owe it all to you.
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tobie zawdzięczam wszystko
I see
I see, so you meant London, not Oxford. I didn’t realise that.
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I take you at your word
I take you at your word and hope to see the project in three days.
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wierzę ci na słowo
I take your point
I take your point but I still don’t think that you are right.
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rozumiem twój punkt widzenia
I was only joking
Don’t be angry. I was only joking.
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ja tylko żartowałem
I would think twice before
I would think twice before signing the contract. It’s a big financial commitment.
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dobrze bym się zastanowił zanim
I wouldn’t be so sure about that!
"– I’ll beat you next time!
– I wouldn’t be so sure about that."
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nie byłbym tego taki pewny!
I’d love to
"– Would like to go for dinner sometime soon?
– I’d love to."
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z przyjemnością
I’d never forgive myself if
I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t take this opportunity to go and see China.
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nigdy bym sobie nie wybaczył, gdyby
I’d rather die than do that
I am never going to move to South America. I’d rather die than do that!
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wolałbym umrzeć niż to zrobić
I’ll be glad to help
I’ll be glad to help. Just let me know if you need a hand.
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z przyjemnością pomogę
I’ll be right back
I’ll be right back. Wait here for five minutes.
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zaraz wracam
I’ll make it worth your while
Just come over and you won’t regret it. I promise I’ll make it worth your while.
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nie pożałujesz tego, wynagrodzę ci to
I’ll manage somehow
I thought you’d help me but, well, I’ll manage somehow.
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jakoś sobie poradzę
I’ll think about it
I am not sure yet, but I will definitely think about it.
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zastanowię się nad tym
I’m aching all over
I went to the gym for the first time yesterday. Now I’m aching all over.
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wszystko mnie boli
I’m all ears
Tell me what happened. I am all ears.
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zamieniam się w słuch
I’m always on the run
I’m really sorry, but I just don’t have any free time during the day. I am always on the run.
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wiecznie jestem zabiegany
I’m fed up with it!
I’m so fed up with it all, I think I might simply quit my job.
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mam tego dość!
I’m glad to hear it
"– I really liked your last book.
– I’m glad to hear it."
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miło mi to słyszeć
I’m just thinking out loud
It’s nothing binding, I am just thinking aloud.
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tylko głośno myślę
I’m not in the mood for
I am really not in the mood for drinks tonight. I’d much rather stay at home.
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nie jestem w nastroju do
I’m only human
I am only human. I make mistakes, too.
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jestem tylko człowiekiem
I’m sorry to hear that
I am sorry to hear that you won’t be staying on. May I ask why you’re leaving us so soon?
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przykro mi to słyszeć
I’ve been rushed off my feet recently
I’ve been rushed off my feet recently and now I really need a holiday.
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byłem ostatnio bardzo zajęty/zabiegany
if all else fails
If all else fails, we will sell the house and buy a small flat.
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jeśli wszystko inne zawiedzie
if I had my way
If I had my way of solving the problem, I wouldn’t have to ask you for advice.
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gdyby to ode mnie zależało
if I remember correctly
If I remember correctly, you come from Brazil. Is that right?
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jeśli dobrze pamiętam
if it isn’t too much trouble
If it isn’t too much trouble, I would like to stay for two more days. Would that be fine?
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jeśli to nie za duży kłopot
if my memory serves me correctly
If my memory serves me correctly, we were meant to meet tomorrow, not today.
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jeśli mnie pamięć nie myli
if necessary
I will provide copies of all the documents, if necessary.
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w razie potrzeby
if time permits
If time permits, we will discuss it later in more detail.
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jeśli czas pozwoli
if you’ll excuse me, but
If you’ll excuse me now, I have another meeting to go to.
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proszę mi wybaczyć, ale
ifs and buts
I want no ifs and buts – just get on and tidy your room now.
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in a broad sense of the word
In a broad sense of the word, yes, you are right. However, there are also other meanings we have to take into consideration.
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w szerokim znaczeniu tego słowa
in a manner of speaking
She’s his partner, in a manner of speaking.
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w pewnym sensie, poniekąd
in a spot
I really am in a spot and I don’t know what to do.
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w tarapatach
in a way
You are right in a way, but what you are suggesting is simply not plausible at the moment.
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w pewnym sensie
in a word
In a word, it’s a “no”, and I won’t change my mind.
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jednym słowem
in addition
We specialise in modern fiction. In addition, we sell second-hand foreign language books.
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w dodatku, ponadto
in advance
Thank you in advance for all your help and support.
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z góry, zawczasu
in aid of
We collected some donation in aid of homeless children.
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na rzecz (jakiejś sprawy, np. o zbiórce pieniędzy)
in any case
In any case, we can go and see the movie then decide what we want to do next.
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w każdym razie, tak czy owak
in broad daylight
It was a murder in broad daylight, but there were no witnesses.
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w biały dzień
in cold blood
It was an offence committed in cold blood, you rarely see so much cruelty.
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z zimną krwią
in connection with
In connection with what you just said, yes, we are very interested in developing the company and are open to suggestions.
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w związku z
in due course
Thank you for your interest in the offer. We will contact you in due course.
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we właściwym/swoim czasie
in every way
You are perfect in every way. I have never met anyone like you.
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pod każdym względem
in fashion
Purple is in fashion this season.
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in fear of one’s life
In fear of his own life, he took out the gun and shot the offender.
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w obawie o własne życie
in fits and starts
I have always been learning languages in fits and starts and have never been particularly consistent.
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zrywami, nieregularnie
in former times
In former times, women had very limited rights.
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dawniej, w dawnych czasach
in full view of somebody
He was shot dead in full view of the children.
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na czyichś oczach
in general
In general, we are hoping to further develop the company in the same direction.
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na ogół
in good faith
I am doing all this in good faith. I hope it will be beneficial to all of us.
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w dobrej wierze
in good hands
Don’t worry. Your car is in good hands. You can come and pick it up tomorrow and it will be like new.
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w dobrych rękach
in good shape
I feel I am in good shape at the moment as I have been doing a lot of exercise.
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w dobrej formie
in high spirits
Anne is in high spirits tonight. I am glad to see that as she has been rather low recently.
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w świetnym nastroju
in living memory
Water levels on the Vistula River haven’t been this high in living memory.
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jak sięgnąć pamięcią
in memory of somebody
We are organising a meeting in memory of one of our professors who died recently.
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ku pamięci kogoś
in my opinion
In my opinion, it is a really bad idea.
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moim zdaniem
in need
I’m in desperate need of a holiday. I have been working too much recently.
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w potrzebie
in no case
In no case are we going to give up easily.
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w żadnym wypadku
in no way
I am in no way less suitable than any of the other candidates, so I’ll hopefully get the job.
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pod żadnym pozorem, wcale
in office
The current President has been in office for the past two years.
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u władzy
in one’s heart of hearts
I work in a bank, but in my heart of hearts I am really an artist. Art, however, does not pay the rent.
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w głębi serca
in other words
They say they might call me back soon. In other words they are telling me politely they are not interested.
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innymi słowy
in particular
I am interested in the city centre in particular.
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w szczególności, zwłaszcza
in perfect condition
The flat is in perfect condition and sold inexpensively.
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w doskonałym stanie
in principle
In principle, we do not employ students. You could reapply when you graduate.
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w zasadzie
in process of time
The house was in really good condition when we bought it, but in process of time its condition deteriorated and we have to renovate it.
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z biegiem/upływem czasu
in public
I really hate speaking in public. I always feel intimidated by the crowd.
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in quick succession
One important event was followed by another in quick succession, and I really didn’t manage to follow everything carefully.
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szybko jeden po drugim
in real life
Things like that don’t happen in real life. Stop living in a fairy tale.
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w rzeczywistości
in recognition of something
We would like to award you this medal in recognition of exceptional contribution to the development of our company.
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w uznaniu czegoś (np. zasług)
in relation to
In relation to our last meeting, a decision has not yet been made.
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w stosunku do

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