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myć lazienkę
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clean the bathroom
myć okna
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clean the windows
posprzątać bałagan
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clean up the mess
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do the cooking
wykonywać prace domowe
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to do the housework
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do the ironing
myć naczynia
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do the washing-up
odkurzać podłogi
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vacuum the floor
odłożyć swoje ubrania
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put away your clothes
wysuszyc naczynia
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dry the dishes
zamiatać podłogę
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sweep the floor
obierać ziemniaki
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peel the potatoes
opróżnienie kosza na śmieci
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empty the rubbish bin
uporządkować ubrania
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tidy up clothes
wietrzyć pomieszczenie
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air the room
odkurzyć meble
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dust the furniture
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odkurzyć dywan
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hoover the carpet
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wilgotna ściereczka
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damp cloth

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