hairdresser fryzjer

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hairdresser. hairdresser. hairdresser.
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impact. impact. impact.
Ona ma duży wpływ na swoje dzieci.
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She has a big impact on her children. She has a big impact on her children. She. has. a big. impact.on. her. children.
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homeless. homeless. homeless. homeless.
Ile osób jest bezdomnych w tym mieście?
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How many homeless people. are in. this city? How many. homeless. people. this. city?
grupa osób bezdomnych
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the homeless. the homeless. the homeless.
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homelessness. homelessness. homelessness.
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issue. issue. issue. issue. issue.
ważna kwestia.
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important issue. important issue. important issue. important issue.
To jest ważna kwestia.
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This is an important issue. This is an important issue. This is an important issue.
To jest bardzo ważna kwestia.
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This is a very important issue. This is a very important. issue. This is a very. important issue.
Bezdomność to bardzo ważna kwestia.
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Homelessness is a very important issue. Homelessness is a very important issue. Homelessness is a very. important. issue. Homelessness. is a very. important issue.
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Let's talk. Let's talk. Let's talk. Let's talk.
Porozmawiajmy o ważnych kwestiach.
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Let's talk about important issues. Let's talk about important. issues. Let's talk. about important. issues.
Porozmawiajmy o wakacjach.
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Let's talk about vacation. Let's talk about vacation. Let's talk about. vacation. Let's. talk. about. vacation.
Porozmawiajmy o ważnych kwestiach.
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Let's talk. about important. issues. Let's talk. about important. issues. Let's talk. about important. issues.
Czy możemy porozmawiać?
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Can we talk? Can we talk? Can we talk? Can we talk?
Czy możemy o tym porozmawiać?
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Can we talk about it? Can we. talk about it? Can. we talk. about. it?
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initially. initially. initially. initially. initially.
POczątkowo tego nie rozumiałem, ale teraz wiem wszystko.
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I didn't understand. it initially., but. now. I know everything.
teraz wiem wszystko.
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I know everything now. I know everything now. I know everything. now. I know. everything now.
POczątkowo tego nie rozumiałem, ale teraz wiem wszystko.
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I didn't. understand it initially. but. now I know everything.
mieć nadzieję (by coś zrobić)
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to hope (to do something) to hope (to do something). to hope. (to do something)
Mam nadzieję, że pójdę do kina
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I hope to go to the cinema. I hope to go to the cinema. I hope. to go. to the cinema.
mam nadzieję ciebie zobaczyć wkróce.
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I hope to see you soon. I hope to see. you. soon. I hope. to see. you. soon.
mam nadzieję tobie pomóc.
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hope to help you. hope. to help. you. hope to. help you.
zdawać sobie sprawę./ uświadamiać sobie
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to realize. to realize. to realize.
nie zdawałam sobie sprawy.
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I did not realize. I did not realize. I did not. realize. I did. not realize.
czy zdajesz sobie sprawę jakie to jest ważne?
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do you realize how important it is? do. you realize. how. important it is? do you. realize. how. is?
nawet jeśli.
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even if... even if. even if.
Nawet jeśli masz rację, nie zgadzam się z tobą.
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Even if you are right, I disagree with you. Even if you are right, I disagree with you. Even if you are right, I disagree with you. Even. if you. are. right, I disagree. with. you.
nie zgadzać się.
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to disagree. to disagree. to disagree.
nie zgadzam się z tobą.
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I do not. agree with you. I do not agree with you. I disagree. with you.
zgadzać się.
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agree. agree. agree.
ona się z nami zgadza.
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she agrees with us. she agrees with us. she. agrees. with us. she agrees with us.
rozśmieszać kogoś.
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make someone laugh. make someone laugh. make. someone laugh.
śmiać się,
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laugh, laugh, laugh, laugh,
On mnie rozśmiesza,
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He makes me laugh. He makes me laugh.He. makes. me laugh.
On zawsze mnie rozśmiesza.
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He always makes me laugh. He always makes me laugh.He. always. laugh.
ty mnie rozśmieszasz.
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you make me laugh. you make me laugh. you laugh. you laugh.
uśmiechać się
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to smile. to smile. to smile
Susan dużo się uśmiecha.
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Susan smiles a lot. Susan smiles a lot. Susan. smiles. a lot. Susan smiles. a. lot.
rozwiązać problem.
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solve a problem. solve a problem. solve a problem.
ja potrafię.
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I can. I can. I can.
czy potrafisz rozwiązać ten problem?
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can you. solve. this. problem. can you solve. this problem? can. you solve. this problem?
tak właściwie.
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actually. actually. actually. actually. actually.
Tak właściwie to masz rację.
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You're actually right. You're actually right. You're actually right. You're actually. right.
Właściwie to nie wiem, gdzie jesteśmy.
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Actually, I don't know where we are. Actually, I don't know. where.we. are. Actually, I don't know where we are.
świetny sposób.
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great way. great way. great way.
to jest świetny sposób.
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this is a great way. this is a great way. this is a great way.
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boredom. boredom. boredom.
to jest świetny sposób na nudę.
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this is a great way for boredom. this is a great way for boredom. this. is a great. way. for. boredom.
pewność siebie.
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confidence. confidence. confidence.
pewny siebie.
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confident. confident. confident.
On jest pewny siebie.
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He is confident. He is confident.
my jesteśmy pewni siebie.
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we are confident.we. are. confident. we are confident.
w listopadzie.
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in November. in November. in November. in November.
w zeszłym roku.
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last year. last year. last year. last year.
w listopadzie zeszłego roku.
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in November. last. year. in November last year.
w maju przyszłego roku.
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in May next year. in May next year.
ogrom. wielkość. rozmiar.
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magnitude. magnitude. magnitude. magnitude.
ogrom tego problemu.
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the magnitude. of this problem. the magnitude. of this problem. the magnitude. of this problem.
jeden z wielu.
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one of many. one of many. one of many.
jeden z wielu przyjaciół.
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one of many friends. one of many friends. one of many friends.
jedno z czerwonych krzeseł.
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one of the red chairs. one. of many one of many friends. friends.
być w stanie.
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to be able to. to be able to. to be able to. to be able to.
będę w stanie.
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I will be able. I will be able. I will be able.
będę w stanie tobie pomóc.
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I will be able to help you. I able. to help you.
będę w stanie tobie pomóc w przyszłym tygodniu.
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I will be able to help you next week. I will be able to help you next week. I will be able. to help. you. next. week.
robić swoje.
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do your own. thing. do your own. thing.
On robi swoje.
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He's doing his thing. He's doing his thing. He's doing his thing.
musimy robić swoje.
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we have to do our thing. we have to do our thing.we. have. to do. our. thing.
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hip. hip. hip.
biodro hop.
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hip hop. hip hop. hip hop.
angażować się.
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get involved. get involved. get involved. get involved.
zacząłem się angażować w narkotyki.
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I started getting involved in drugs. I started getting involved in drugs. I started. getting. involved. in drugs.
humanizować. uczłowieczać.
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humanize. humanize. humanize. humanize.
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try. try. try.
On próbuje ich uczłowieczyć.
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He is trying to humanize them. He is trying. to humanize. them.
jeden z najbardziej niesamowitych momentów.
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one of the most amazing moments. one of the most amazing moments. one. of the. most. amazing. moments.
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recognize. recognize. recognize.
czy mnie rozpoznajesz?
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do you recognize me. do you do you recognize me
pod koniec tygodnia.
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at the end of the week. at the end of the week.
pod koniec miesiaca.
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at the end of the month. at the end of the month. at the end.of. the month.
obcięcie włosów
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haircut. haircut. haircut.

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