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He, She, It is 14 years old
My, Wy, Oni są przyjaciółmi começar a aprender
We, you, they are friends
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On, Ona, Ono nie jest Anglikiem começar a aprender
He, She, It isn't English
My, Wy, Oni nie są wysocy começar a aprender
We, you, they are not tall
Jesteś w domu? Tak, jestem começar a aprender
Are you at home? Yes I am
Czy on jest nauczycielem? Nie, on nie jest começar a aprender
Is he a teacher? No, he isn't
Czy oni są twoimi przyjaciółmi? Tak, są começar a aprender
Are they your friends? Yes, they are
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Ja, Ty, Wy, My macie kota. começar a aprender
I, you, you, we, they have got a cat.
On, Ona, Ono nie ma krótkich włosów. começar a aprender
He, She, It hasn't got short hair.
Masz brata? Tak, mam. / Nie, nie mam começar a aprender
You have a brother? Yes, I have. / No I haven't
Ona ma nowy komputer? Tak, ona ma. / Nie, ona nie ma começar a aprender
She has a new computer? Yes, she has. / No, she hasn't