German nouns

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der Nebel
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der Lügner
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der Mord
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der Rentner
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der Bauch
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der Blitz
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der Dienst
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die Verwaltung
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die Zuneigung
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die Beziehung, das Verhältnis
I believe in his responsibility.
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die Verantwortung
Ich glaube an seine Verantwortung.
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die Verantwortungslosigkeit
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die Bedingung
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der Gedanke
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der Schritt
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der Gründer
the joy
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die Freude
die Freude ist geoß
desire, request
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der Wunsch
ich habe keine Wünsche
couple, pair, a few
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das Paar
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der Eindruck
the rest
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die Ruhe
Er braucht seine Ruhe
the economy
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die Wirtschaft
the knowledge, awareness
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die Erkenntnis
the motto
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der Wahlspruch
the excuse
Excuses don't help anyone
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die Ausrede
Ausreden nützen Niemandem
the scissors
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die Schere
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der Verkehr
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das All
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die Landwirtschaft
the current
we don't have any electricity
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der Strom
wir haben keinen Strom
the climate
I like the weather
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das Klima
ich mag das Klima
the silence
the silence has power
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die Stille
die Stille hat Kraft
the challenge
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die Herausforderung
the relative
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der Verwandte
the twin
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der Zwilling
the customs
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der Zoll
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die Zahnbürste
the everyday
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der Alltag
the diet, nutrition
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die Ernährung
Sex, gender
He still doesn't know the gender
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das Geschlecht
Er weiß das Geschlecht noch nicht
the skin
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die Haut
view, opinion
I share your opinion
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die Ansicht
Ich teile deine Ansicht
the wood
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das Holz
the leather
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das Leder
the wool
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die Wolle
the Thunder
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der Donner
the peach
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der Pfirsich
the blackberry
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die Brombeere
the apricot
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die Aprikose
the peanut
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die Erdnuss
the carrot, the carrot
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die Möhre, die Karotte
the bean
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die Bohne
the Lentil
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die Linse
the parsley (perejil)
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die Petersilie
the cauliflower
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der Blumenkohl
the pumpkin
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der Kürbis
the pea
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die Erbse
the cucumber
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die Gurke
the ginger
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der Ingwer
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der Mais
the asparagus
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der Spargel
the chicken (hen)
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das Huhn
the chop (filete)
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das Kotelett
the meats (embutidos)
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der Aufschnitt
the ham
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der Schinken
the poultry (ave)
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das Geflügel
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das Salz
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der Zucker
the sauce
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die Soße
the pepper
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der Pfeffer
the mustard
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der Senf
the entrance
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der Eingang
the style
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der Stil
the nonsense
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der Unsinn
the honor
I'm honored
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die Ehre
Es ist mir eine Ehre
the idiot
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der Trottel
please knock on the door
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klopf bitte an!
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die Werbung
the noise
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der Lärm
the script
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das Drehbuch
the stomach
The way to a man's heart goes through his stomach
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der Magen
Liebe geht durch den Magen
the detergent
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das Waschmittel
the opportunity
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die Gelegenheit
Wir wollen diese Gelegenheit nutzen
the usual stuff
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Das übliche
A mistake
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Das Versehen
Es war nur ein Versehen
The joke
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Der Scherz
Is there anyone who meets our requirements?
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Die Voraussetzung
is there anyone who meets the requirements?
Gibt es jemanden, wer unsere Voraussetzungen erfüllt?
The Department
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Die Abteilung
fraud investigator
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The trust
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Das Vertrauen
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Die Unterstützung
The sound
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Der Klang
The soul
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Die Seele
The load
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Die Belastung
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Der Zusammenhang
Quality (personality)
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Die Eigenschaft
The storm
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Das Gewitter
The cloud
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Die Wolke
The shadow
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Der Schatten
The stairs
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Die Stiege
The sunburn
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Der Sonnenbrand
The fabric is smooth and soft.
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las calles están lisas
Die Straße sind glatt
The meadow
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Die Wiese
la pradera
The trash
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Der Abfall

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