Gap Fillers

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questão resposta
Mam to na końcu języka
I know the word, but can't quite recall it.
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It's on the tip of my tongue
The name of that actor is on the tip of my tongue, but I just can't remember it right now.
Chcę powiedzieć, że
Rephrasing for clarity.
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What I'm trying to say is
What I'm trying to say is that we need more time to complete the project.
Wiesz, co mam na myśli?
Checking for understanding.
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You know what I mean?
The weather has been so unpredictable lately, you know what I mean?
W ostatecznym rozrachunku
Ultimately, or when all is said and done.
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At the end of the day
At the end of the day, what matters most is that we tried our best.
Expressing slight uncertainty or agreement.
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I suppose
I suppose we could try a different approach to solve this issue.
Prawdę mówiąc
Being frank or honest.
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To tell you the truth
To tell you the truth, I wasn't very impressed with the movie.
Szczerze mówiąc
Being truthful and sincere.
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To be honest
To be honest, I don't really enjoy going to large parties.
Jak to ująć
Searching for the right words.
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How shall I put it
How shall I put it? Your idea is interesting but might need some tweaks.
Osobiście miałem z tym niewiele wspólnego... ale...
Acknowledging limited experience, but offering an opinion.
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Personally, I have had very little to do with... but...
Personally, I have had very little to do with the new software, but I've heard good things about it.
Trudno powiedzieć, ale wyobrażam sobie, że
Speculating cautiously.
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It's difficult to say but I would imagine that
It's difficult to say but I would imagine that the event will be postponed due to the weather.
Nie zastanawiałem się nad tym
Admitting a lack of consideration on the topic.
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I haven't really thought about this
I haven't really thought about this, but your question makes me curious.
To trudne pytanie/To interesujące pytanie
Buying time to think, or acknowledging complexity.
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That's a tricky question/That's an interesting question
That's a tricky question. I need to do more research before I can answer.
To trudne pytanie
Acknowledging difficulty of the question.
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That's a tough one
That's a tough one. Choosing between the two options isn't easy.
Pozwól mi się nad tym zastanowić przez chwilę
Requesting time to consider.
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Let me think about that for a moment
"Let me think about that for a moment... actually, I had a similar experience when..."
To dobre pytanie
Acknowledging thoughtfulness of the query.
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That's a good question
"That's a good question. I haven't considered that specific aspect before."
Cieszę się, że o to pytasz
Expressing appreciation for the question.
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I'm glad you asked that
"I'm glad you asked that! I was hoping to discuss my experience with project management..."
Żeby być całkowicie szczerym...
Introducing a candid response.
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To be perfectly honest...
"To be perfectly honest, I feel my strongest skills are in communication rather than..."
Innymi słowy...
Rephrasing for better understanding.
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In other words...
"In other words, I'm a highly motivated individual who thrives in collaborative environments."
To znaczy...
Clarifying or elaborating on a point.
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That is to say...
"That is to say, while I enjoy teamwork, I can also manage my own workload effectively."
Concluding and restating key points.
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So, to summarize...
"So, to summarize, I believe my skills and experience make me a strong candidate for this position."

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