Friends s09e07

 0    30 fiche    arturmalagowski
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tiny, bitsy
You're just a little bitty baby, you know that?
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malutki, maleńki
to pitch in
Pitching in on the weekends, helping to plant the emus...
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zabrać się energicznie do pracy, wziąć się do pracy, dołączyć się do pomocy
a mortgage
an incumbrance
The interest on your mortgage is totally deductible.
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hipoteka (kredyt pod zastaw domu)
The interest on your mortgage is totally deductible.
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podlegający potrąceniu (np. podatek)
an interest
a carrying charge
The interest on your mortgage is totally deductible.
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to occur to sb
to come to mind
That hadn't occurred to me.
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przyjść komuś do głowy
a makeover
Because I was giving a makeover to that stupid hippie?
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całkowita odmiana wyglądu, przemiana wyglądu
a listing agent
a real estate agent
I'm Catherine, the listing agent.
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agent aukcji
a medical malpractice
a medical violation
Even a really good hospital is going to have a certain amount of medical malpractice.
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błąd w sztuce lekarskiej
an appliance
a device
All the appliances are included.
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urządzenie (sprzęt używany w domu, np. kuchenka lub zmywarka)
to insult
to outrage
You seemed preety insulted by that.
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to intimidate
to overawe
Why am I so intimidated by this guy?
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wzbudzać strach, wzbudzać grozę, zastraszyć
Which was okay, until I got hepatitis because this pimp spit in my mouth.
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zapalenie wątroby, żółtaczka
a pimp
a brothel-keeper
Which was okay, until I got hepatitis because this pimp spit in my mouth.
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alfons, sutener, stręczyciel
And that physique, you must work out all the time.
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budowa ciała
a stitch
a suture
I should check the stitches.
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to be a testament to sth
to bear a testimony to something
It really is a testament to how he was raised.
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być świadectwem czegoś
tactful, kind
He is so considerate of my feelings.
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taktowny, liczący się z innymi, uprzejmy
Don't get me wrong. Not in like a sissy way.
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dziewczyński, zachowujący się jak dziewczyna
to rattle
to brattle
He can rattle a headboard like a sailor in leave.
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grzechotać, kołatać
a headboard
a head restraint
He can rattle a headboard like a sailor on leave.
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regular, normal
I think It may be customary to get a beer.
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zwykły, normalny
abusive, crude
Well, is it only offensive novelty rap?
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obraźliwy, chamski, ordynarny
Well, is it only offensive novelty rap?
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I am a vegetarian, except for veal.
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a vein
And this has this nice vein of fat running through it.
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It's just so insulting.
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obraźliwy, obelżywy
to spring
to splurge
Spring for a new blank tape, doctor.
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przepuszczać pieniądze
kind, polite
If you can't even be civil to the woman I love...
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grzeczny, uprzejmy
top drawer
superb, finest
It was really top drawer.
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najwyższej jakości

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