Friends s01e12

 0    19 fiche    arturmalagowski
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questão resposta
to plunk sb down
You could plunk me down in the middle of any woman's uterus, without compass.
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umiejscowić kogoś, zrzucić kogoś gdzieś
to scrape
We've never scraped the bottom.
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zdrapać, skrobać
Nigdy nie skrobaliśmy dna.
a placenta
In some parts of the world people actually eat the placenta.
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a fling
Wasn't this supposed to be just a fling?
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przelotny romans
to fling
Shouldn't it be flung by now?
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rzucić, cisnąć
I'm physically nauseous.
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mający mdłości
a hibachi
We bought a hibachi together and then he ran off and got married,
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grill w stylu japońskim
to be out of sorts
I'm out of sorts.
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źle się czuć, być nie w sosie
to make a move on somebody
He made a move on me.
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przystawiać się do kogoś, zarywać do kogoś
a ladybug
How about the ladybugs?
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to make a pass at somebody
Paolo made a pass at me
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przystawiać się do kogoś
a sink
Who cares? We'll eat at the sink.
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to swoop in
It's time for you to swoop in.
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wkroczyć do akcji
My mother was totally distraught when my brother died. She cried for months.
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Moja mama była zupełnie zrozpaczona, gdy zmarł mój brat. Płakała miesiącami.
to usher in sth
You pick up the pieces and then you usher in The Age of Ross.
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zapoczątkować coś
to overwhelm
I really think only one of us should go out there so she's not overwhelmed.
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to swear off
I don't think swearing off guys altogether is the answer.
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zerwać, odwoływać
a screening process
I think what you need is to develop a more sophisticated screening process.
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proces przesiewowy
a wuss
Come on, wussies.
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cienias, dupa wołowa

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