Friends s01e10

 0    22 fiche    arturmalagowski
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questão resposta
a scramble
It's desperate scramble to find anything with lips.
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wspinaczka, walka o byt
to bewitch
Her smile was bewitching.
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to sneeze
I feel a little sneezy.
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a smidge
Am I sharing too much? Just a smidge.
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odrobina, kapka
to snap
I couldn't handle the pressure and I snapped.
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puścić (o nerwach)
to mock
I must mock Joey.
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a spatula
He's playing with my spatulas again.
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He threw some feces.
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to look in on sb
If you're gonna work late I can look in on him for you.
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odwiedzać kogoś (bez zaproszenia)
nowhere near
Today particle accelerators are nowhere near powerful enough.
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nawet nie blisko
to tidy up
So now you're just kind of tidying up.
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to drag
He's walking around all the time dragging his hands.
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I love this artichoke things.
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to mingle
What do you say you and I do a little mingling?
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wmieszać się w tłum
a pocketbook
She's a woman with pocketbook.
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aktówka damska
to tackle
So as I'm going to get into a cab, she tackles me.
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blokować (przeciwnika w grze)
a curb
I hit my head on the curb and cut my lip on my whistle.
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to blow sth up
I'm gonna blow this one up and I'm gonna write "Reunited" in glitter
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powiększyć zdjęcie
I'm gonna blow this one up and I'm gonna write "Reunited" in glitter
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a whiz
I'm not a math whiz.
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spec, ekspert
a flea
I'm picking its fleas.
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to phone sth in
He's just phoning this work in.
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wykonywać coś bez entuzjazmu

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