french idiomatic pronomial verbs

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leave, go away
Tell your men to deposit their gun and leave.
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s'en aller
Dites à vos hommes de poser leurs armes et de s'en aller.
to have fun
They are here to have fun.
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Ils sont là à s'amuser.
The tightrope amuses the children.
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Le funambule amuse les enfants
My sisters will soon notice that I have disappeared.
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Mes soeurs vont s'apercevoir que j'ai disparu.
see, perceive
He saw the moon very clearly.
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Il apercevait la lune très clairement
to appriopriate, to take over
Latimores want to take over the orphanage
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Les Latimore veulent s'approprier l'orphelinat!
expect to sth
Tell your men what to expect and be careful.
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s'attendre à qch
Dites à vos hommes à quoi s'attendre et soyons prudents
to get along, to manage
He has to learn how to cope alone.
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se débrouiller
Il doit apprendre à se débrouiller seul.
My mother will wonder where am I.
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se demander
Mes mères vont se demander où je suis.
Can you go and tell your father to hurry up?
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se dépêcher
Peux-tu aller dire à ton père de se dépêcher?
dispatch, send quickly
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head for
And later, head toward Florida.
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se diriger vers
Et puis, se diriger vers la Floride.
to suspect
He will start suspecting something.
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se douter
Ils vont se douter de quelque chose.
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have fun, have a blast
We are all going to have fun this weekend.
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On va tous s'éclater ce week-end.
burst, explode
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slip away
He wanted to slip away when he saw me.
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Il a tenté de s'éclipser quand il m'a aperçu.
eclipse, overshadow
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She looked bored
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Elle avait l'air de s'ennuyer.
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to get along
We are trying to get along.
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On essaye tous de s'entendre.
to get used to
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se faire à
to figure (qc)
It is pointless to imagine she is here
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se figurer (qc)
Inutile de se figurer qu'elle est là.
to represent, to appear
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to get used to
This will help the consumers to get used to prices in euro.
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s'habituer à
Cela aidera les consommateurs à s'habituer aux prix en euros.
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settle in (home, job)
Or even leave Istanbul and settle elsewhere
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Ou même quitter Istanbul et s'installer ailleurs...
join to
We will join the welcome committee.
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se joindre à
On va se joindre au comité de bienvenue.
to begin to
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se mettre à
to place
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You know it's supposed to happen.
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se passer
Tu sais que c'est censé se passer.
to get lost
He will probably get lost up there.
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se perdre
Il va probablement se perdre là-haut.

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