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questão resposta
der kuchen
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the cake
die schokolade
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the chocolate
der käse
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the cheese
das brot
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the bread
die butter
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the butter
der fisch
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the fish
die gurke
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the cucumber
der tee
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the tea
der kaffee
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the coffee
die wurst
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the sausage
das bier
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the beer
das obst
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the fruit
die banane
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the banana
der salat
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the salad
die tomate
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the tomato
die kartoffel
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the potato
die pizza
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the pizza
der joghurt
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the yogurt
der apfel
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the Apple
das öl
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the oil
das salz
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the salt
der pfeffer
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the pepper
das fleisch
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the meat
das hähnchen
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the chicken
der schinken
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the ham
die vorspeise
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the starter
das hauptgericht
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the main course
das dessert
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the dessert
die essgewohnheiten
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eating habits
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Wir haben einen leckeren kebab (مذکر - مفعولی مستقیم) im Iran
der löffel
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the spoon
die gabel
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the fork
das messer
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the knife

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