Fiszki 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174

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questão resposta
nie zdać
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to fail
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Trzy osoby nie zdały egzaminu z matematyki.
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Three people failed the maths test.
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to pass
Zdałem egzamin na prawo jazdy za pierwszym razem.
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I passed my driving test the first time.
matematyka / matma
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mathematics / maths
On miał dużo matmy.
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He had a lot of maths.
On ma dużo matmy.
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He has a lot of matma.
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W liceum miałem duzo matmy.
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I had a lot of maths in high school.
Czy on lubi?
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Does he like it?
Czy on lubił?
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Did he like it?
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Lubiłeś swojego nauczyciela historii?
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Did you like your history teacher?
Czy ty uczysz go?
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Are you teaching him?
Czy ty uczyłeś go?
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Did you teach him?
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Czy on uczył cię geografii w siódmej klasie?
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Did he teach you geography in year seven?
nauki ścisłe
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on nie miał
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he did not have
my nie mieliśmy
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we did not have
Nie miałem talentu do nauk ścisłych.
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I did not have a talent for science.

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