Fausta 17th July

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questão resposta
a balloon
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a stick
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to fly - flew - flown
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a string
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I WENT there on foot. / I WALKED there.
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Poszedłem tam na piechotę.
to give sb a lift
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podrzucić kogoś / podwieźć kogoś samochodem
Can you please give me a lift to school?
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Czy możesz mnie podwieźć do szkoły?
I don't understand your question.
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Nie rozumiem twojego pytania.
I don't understand your question. Can you say it again, please?
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Nie rozumiem twojego pytania. Czy możesz to powtórzyć, proszę?
Can you explain, please?
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Czy możesz wyjaśnić, proszę?
This class is only this week.
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Te zajęcia są tylko w tym tygodniu.
This week I'm going to Poland.
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W tym tygodniu jadę do Polski.
This month I'm buying a new house.
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W tym miesiącu kupuję nowy dom.
This year I'm going on holiday to Spain.
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W tym roku wybieram się na wakacje do Hiszpanii.
Let's go on holiday.
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Chodźmy na wakacje.
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I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
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Trzymam za ciebie kciuki.
Keep your fingers crossed for me.
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Trzymajcie za mnie kciuki.
Yesterday I ate a cheese sandwich.
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Wczoraj zjadłam kanapkę z serem.
It's an interesting book.
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To ciekawa książka.
a tasty apple
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smaczne jabłko
a squirrel
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He doesn't want TO share his cake.
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On nie chce dzielić się swoim ciastem.
I want to eat this cake.
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Chcę zjeść to ciasto.
I would like TO eat this cake.
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Zjadłabym to ciasto.
I'd like to eat pasta.
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Chciałbym zjeść makaron.

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