My mother's sister is my aunt. começar a aprender
Siostra mojej mamy jest moją ciocią.
My father's son is my brother. começar a aprender
Syn mojego taty to mój brat.
I went shopping with my cousin, Jane. começar a aprender
Poszłam na zakupy z moją kuzynką, Jane.
My mother's husband is my father. começar a aprender
Mąż mojej mamy to mój ojciec.
My mother's dad is my grandfather. começar a aprender
Tata mojej mamy to mój dziadek.
My dad's mother is my grandmother. começar a aprender
Mama mojego taty to moja babcia.
My dad's wife is my mother. começar a aprender
Żona mojego taty to moja mama.
My mother's daughter is my sister. começar a aprender
Córka mojej mamy to moja siostra.
My mother's brother is my uncle. começar a aprender
Brat mojej mamy to mój wujek.
My son is very smart, I'm proud of him. começar a aprender
Mój syn jest bardzo mądry, jestem z niego dumny.
If you aren't nice, people don't like you. começar a aprender
Jeśli nie jesteś miły, ludzie cię nie lubią.
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