Exercise 7

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questão English resposta English
be angry ... something
Kevin was so angry ... the surprise!
começar a aprender
be angry about something
Kevin was so angry about the surprise!
agree ... something
The two companies agreed ... the prices.
começar a aprender
agree about something
The two companies agreed about the prices.
be right ... something
You were right ... Tim, he is a liar.
começar a aprender
be right about something
You were right about Tim, he is a liar.
dream ... something
Elvira dreams ... a puppy for many years.
começar a aprender
dream about / of something
Elvira dreams about a puppy for many years.
be ashamed ... something
Many girls are ashamed ... their bodies.
começar a aprender
be ashamed about / of something
Many girls are ashamed of their bodies.
be aware ... something
Are you aware ... the global pollution statistics?
começar a aprender
be aware of something
Are you aware of the global pollution statistics?
be capable ... something
Jerry isn't capable ... writing a book.
começar a aprender
be capable of something
Jerry isn't capable of writing a book.
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