Collocations with the verb "to come"

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questão English resposta English
to start existing
começar a aprender
come into being
This legend came into being during King Arthur's reign.
to happen unexpectedly
começar a aprender
come as a shock
Their breakup came as a shock to me.
to save someone in a bad situation
começar a aprender
come to one's rescue
The dog came to my rescue when I was drowning.
to come after the scheduled time
começar a aprender
come late
Jim came late to the exam.
to be the third
começar a aprender
come equal third (etc.)
New York Yankees came equal third in the championship.
to be available is a specific color
começar a aprender
come in blue
The dress you like comes in blue.
to be the second in a competition
also: something that comes after the first thing
começar a aprender
come second
Roberta came second in the marathon.
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