Exam: Lexis Usage 1-15

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___ November th the ship was _____ the Indian Ocean 00 miles east _____ Somalia.
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On, in, of
______ view of the difficulties ________ Leap Year, an amnesty had been declared and customers were not being pen________________ for this.
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In, over, penalised
_______ children under, actions _________ louder than _________, and these actions should m __________ what has occ ___________.
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with, speak, words, match, occurred
__________ flyers have __________ in the machine to tell them the time.
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High, cogs
_______all the things I’ve gone _________________ in my life that was the worst. I went to hell and _____________.
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Of, through, back
A bit of suffering gave people bac __________.
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A boat was spotted __________ the rear ______ the ship.
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off, of
A child must be exp _____________ to the wonders of the world.
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A court __________________ is expected in September.
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A good education bo________ a couple's chances of st __________ together and the future is particularly br________ if the wife has the most studying under her b _______.
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boosts, staying, bright, belt
A judge awarded Mattel $00m ______ damages.
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A knee injury forced Joyner to ________________ from the tournament.
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A strong police pr________________ throughout the demonstration helps ens______________ it is peaceful.
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presence, ensure
According to the fin ____________, the daughter of an ob________ woman was 0 __________ more li _________ to be ob________ than a girl _________ a normal weight mother.
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findings, obese, times, likely, obese, with
According to the First Law of Timepieces, _______________________ have ___________________________ to tell them the time.
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high flyers, cogs in the machine
Affluent parents will en___________ that their children want ________ not __________.
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ensure, want for nothig
After the defeat the troops had to ____________________ to their defensive positions.
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After treating herself _______ a holiday in Egypt, she will share the money ____________ her family.
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to, with
Alerted by a look-o ______ he ru __________ to the d _________ to see the pirates.
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out, rushed, deck
All this was linked ______ the explosion of hire pur __________.
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to, purchase
Allow them to b ________ you in a game from time to time.
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Almost the entire ____________of cards - sixty-six of them - were spread out on the floor before the fire.
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Among the reasons ________ working in the law enforcement could be a desire ________ adventure, a need ________ recognition, or concern ________ others.
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for, for, for, for
An officer on the b____________ could have to intervene on _____________ of a vic__________ of a mugger.
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beat, behalf, victim
Another boat attacked us ____________ the other direction.
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Are they willing to ________ their lives _______ the line ___________ of concern __________ others?
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put, on, out for
Are they willing to _____________ the risk for the __________ of someone's safety?
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take, sake
Are they willing to t _______________ the risk?
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Arthritis isn’t usually a killer, but it leads to ____________________ suffering.
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As employees found their work places warming ______, they wanted homes that ma __________.
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up, matched
As they had slipped a document into the box of the watch, they had legal grounds for _______________________.
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laying down the law
At last he calmed _________ and I wa___________ him home ______ tears.
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down, walked, in
At one __________________, it seemed like she was ready to agree.
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Barbie bestowed _______ girls the opportunity to dream b __________ suburbia.
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on, beyond
Barbie had a wardrobe ________ for a first lady.
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Barbie will be a mar ________ of plastic surgery and eter_______ youth.
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marvel, eternal
Barbie will star _______ an ar________ of global events.
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at, array
Believing they could succeed, they eagerly __________ the challenge.
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British Gas recommends C as a su ________________ household temperature.
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But after 0 days undercover, it was time for Hilary to _____________ clean.
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But kids just do it ____________ the buzz.
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Can you h_________ your breath for a minute?
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Cast your m__________ back _____ your childhood days.
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mind, to
Central he___________ is conv __________, you just fl _________ a switch, and __________ you can do that, habits change.
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heating, convenient, flick, once,
Childhood ob _________ could be linked _____ the weight problems of parents.
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obesity, to
Children must fit __________ the running of the family by becoming t _______ players.
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into, team
Disciplining our offspring has become a subject surr____________________ by controversy.
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Do the benefits of the work out_______________ the risks?
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Do they je_________________ their health to get the adrenaline _____________?
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jeopardise, going
Do they t___________ a cal ____________________risk?
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take, calculated
Do they take a ca_________________ risk? Is it possible to re__________ the risk?
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calculated, reduse
Do those who j__________ law enforcement agencies have the safety of others in m______________?
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join, mind
Do you think the meat's gone______________? Is it really no longer fit for consumption?
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Does the rem______________________ outweigh the risks involved?
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Don't bury your head in the _________. You'd better face ______ to it.
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sand, up
Don't put the watch ______ your ear to listen ______ ticking because it is battery op _____________.
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to, for, operated
Don't r_______ your eyes whenever you ch_______ the time.
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roll, check
Dr Peter Gurney lectures ______ history ______ the University of Sussex.
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in, at
During most of the voyage Peter stayed below _________________.
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During the ____________________, all illegally-held guns can be handed in to the police.
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Dwellings should be fit __________ with heating systems that main_______ the circulation space ______ C.
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fitted, maintan, at
Even in his w_____________ dreams he could never have imagined what would happen.
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Familiarity breeds c ______________.
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Feminists continue to b________ Barbie, cla __________ that her beauty and cu_______ treat women as ob __________.
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bash, claiming, curves, object
Firefighters had to _________________ the lock.
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Forget impressing her _________ candlelit dinners.
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Girls ________ mothers were clini_______ obese and boys _________ fathers had the same co ____________ were more likely to follow su ______ ______ a young age.
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whose, clinically, whose, condition, suit, at
Give your children the opp _______________ to succeed - then rec____________ and praise their effort.
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opportunity, recognize,
Giving ch__________ to a car thief could easily __________ in disaster.
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chase, end
Grateful ______ the salvation, Norman said they o______ an awful _______ to Michael.
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for, owed, lot
He ________________________ with despair at the thought of all the opportunities he had missed.
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He accused them ______negligence ________ an attempt to recover the future earnings he has lost as a r________________ of his injury.
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of, in, result
He admits ________ driving an old Ford Ka.
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He became a real contributor _______ his team.
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He bit my daughter, scr ____________ me and head-b____________ my nose.
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scratched, butted
He decided to ________________ a sabbatical.
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He didn't like to __________________ what a disaster his business venture had been.
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He didn’t __________________________ at the idea of losing his watch, but he was a bit annoyed by it.
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throw a fit
He didn’t _____________________________ at once about why his watch was to be confiscated.
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get the picture clear
He didn’t really _____________ swords with Mr. Hunter
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He didn’t really ___________________________ Mr. Hunter, but he did argue with him a bit.
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cross swords with
He didn’t throw a _________ at the idea of losing his watch.
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He didn’t turn _______ for appointments at the arranged time on the ___________.
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up, dot
He encouraged them to head ___________ the relative safety of the dining room.
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He failed his police medical ________ his return _______ Britain.
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on, to
He got inv___________________ in a fight with an ar______________ suspect.
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involved, armed
He has l ______________ a damages c_______________ against a firm.
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launched, claim
He managed to rep_________ the raiders ________ a high pressure hose.
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repel, with
He now takes m _____________________ for post traumatic stress d___________________ and regularly suffers f____________________.
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medication, disorder, flashbackes
He put the problem ______ me ______ tactfully as he could.
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to, as
He screamed and had full-b_________ tantrums when he didn't get his w _______.
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blown, way
He stole my jewellery to ____________ his habit.
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He then turned away and detonated the explosive _________________ strapped to his body.
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He took __________ my watch and gave me another one in r ____________.
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away, return
He turned the vol___________ up.
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He was kn_____________ unconscious and h ________ by a bullet.
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He was knocked _____ the deck and suffered injuries ______ his ear.
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to, to
He was the first ______ the family to graduate _________ college.
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in, from
He was working ______ b ___________ the ship.
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on board
He wasn't short _______ love or money.
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He wasn’t even offered a chance to keep his watch if he would __________________________________ and start behaving better – it was confiscated at once.
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pull his socks up
Her first port of c__________ was a run-down estate where only one _______ four people have jobs.
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call, in
Her grandfather died _______ the disease.
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Her money is now being put to good e_________________ in the community.
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Hilary could see the strain it put _______ Sheila Acton.
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His employment was ter ______________ after he chose not to ret _________ to work.
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terminated, return
His films b _________ the boundaries between fact and fiction.
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His researchers plan to carry _________ further studies.
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However unsettling it might seem, this assumption cannot be ruled ___________ as entirely unf______________________.
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out, unfounded
Human behaviour is unpr______________________ and so decisions are often taken _________ the s____________ of the moment.
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unpredictible, on, spur
I became addicted ____ tanning and believed nothing bad was going to happen ____me.
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to, to
I dived ________ the ground as the explosion went _________ over my head.
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to, off
I don't want to get ___________________ in some lengthy argument about who is to blame.
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I fell ________ the ground.
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I gave him warnings ________ three occasions.
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I had proved to be the exception _____ the first law of timepieces.
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I knew straight _________________ that I wanted to _________ involved.
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away, get
I know it might kill me ________ the end but I just can't stop it.
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I returned f _________________ with a jet _______ water.
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fire, of
I saw a boat __________ about six men ________ it just a few metres ____________ from the ship.
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with, in, away
I tell myself I'll be OK if I just tan once ______ a _____________ and keep checking __________ my moles.
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in a while, out
I was ______ least ten minutes early ______ every appointment.
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at, for
I was wea__________ a watch ______ the day-of-the-month f _______________.
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wearing, with, facility
I'd like to touch ________ another is___________ in your letter.
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on, issue
I'm intrigued that you have a full-time nanny, g _______ that you are a full-time mother.
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I’d lie a___________ every night scared to ____________.
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awake, death
I’ve been telling you a few porkie p______________.
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If I'd left it, the cancer would have s_____________ and killed me. Luckily it was caught _______ time.
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spread, in
If violence breaks _________ and the demonstration could turn into a r_________.
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out, riot
If you play ______ my sandpit area, I'll pick ______ sand and throw it ______ your face.
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in, up, in
Industry analysts believe Barbie will remain a bestselling and lasting ic _______ rega___________ of competition.
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icon, regardless
Is it a cal___________________ risk?
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It appears that men and women choose their m ________ on the ba _______ of love, physical att _____________, similarity of tas _______, beliefs and attitudes and sh________ values.
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mates, basis, attraction, taste, shared
It could be a si ________ that the watch does not k ________ good time.
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sign, keep
It has no eff _______ on how attractive they are _______ men.
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effect, to
It is also a subject of great sig_____________________.
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It is co_________ knowledge that security guards have to f______ constant danger.
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common, face
It po__________ a real risk _______ their health/safety.
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poses, to
It points to________ behavioural fact_______ ______ work _____ childhood obesity.
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towards, factors, at, in
It was only then ________ I realised I had won a s __________ of the jackpot.
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that, share
It was the first time he and I drank together. As I_________________, it was also the last time.
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It's time to go. I must be ______________ now.
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Kara's home was a long way _________________ across the sea.
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Law-ab___________________ citizens respect their parents as well as moral laws and the social _________________ of their community.
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Law-abiding, code
Liners do not rep_______ attacks to keep d ________ their insurance pr ____________.
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report, down, premiums
Looking for an adventure on the h ____________seas.
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Martha was chopping vegetables on a wooden __________________.
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Men are primarily concerned _________ what a woman looks _________.
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with, like
Men judge purely ______ a woman's face and fig _________.
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on, figure
Metaphor is a common literary _________________.
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Middle-aged men ______ expensive cars seem more attractive ______ women des_______ their g_______ hair and exp _____________ waistline.
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in, to, despite, grey, expanding
Most of the people ___________________ have by now either died or moved away.
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Mrs. Cummings has been actively ___________________ with the church for years.
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My daughter can be naughty but is man _____________. It is my son _______ is out of c_____________.
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managable, who, control
My father has ___________________ the builders for using faulty roof tiles.
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My heart started p ____________________.
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My two older brothers and I did c______________ at home and we were happy – but we were by no _________________ privileged.
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chorses, means
Newcomers ______ Britain often complain about our free___________ homes.
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to, freezing
No doll out ____________ Barbie's celebrity.
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Now we have a gen ______________ of people who have no idea ____ priv _________, of what it is to go wi _________.
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generation, of privation, without
O _________ we hit on something ________ makes a kid's eyes sp __________, we encourage him to pur __________ it.
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Once, that, sparkle, pursue
One of the offences was exc _____________ checking of time.
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One of the traditional ways of en_________________ discipline is by using co_______________ punishment.
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enforcing, corporal
One pirate was t______________ aim ________ me ______________ a rocket launcher.
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taking, at, with
Our ambi __________ attitude ______ insulation follows a stubb ______ tradition.
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amibivalent, to, stubborn
Parents have the right to _____________their children from religious education lessons if they wish.
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Police could have to set _________ in pu_____________ of a car thief.
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off, pursuit
Police often op_____________ in a danger z__________.
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operate, zone
Police work and danger go hand _________ hand and risk is encountered at every t__________.
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in, turn
Prevention ______ obesity ______ children will not solve the problem _____ adulthood.
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of, in, in
Problems with time-keeping were responsible for the author being constantly _________________________.
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in a stew
Pull your _____________ up and start behaving better.
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Pulling of f__________ is inconsistent ________ ownership of a sophisticated timepiece.
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faces, with
Riot police wear riot _____________ for protection because they are often p________________ with stones by enr________________ rioters.
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gear, pelted, enraged
Security officers put their lives in je______________ and we owe them a ________ of gratitude ________ their efforts irrespective _____ what actually motivates them.
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jeopardy, dept, for, of
She checked the numbers over and __________ again and it began to sink _______ that she had won.
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over, in
She cracks o ___________ the champagne _______ receiving her cheque.
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open, on
She faces fierce com ___________ _______ various copycats.
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competition, from
She had to _________________________ the fact that he was guilty.
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face up to
She has been diagnosed __________ skin cancer.
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She has remarkable ___________________ for a lady of her age.
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She headed __________ a project for kids to get into music instead ________ hanging ________________ the streets after school.
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for, of, around
She is seen as a pio________ trend-setter who crashed the g ______ cei __________.
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pioneer, glass ceiling
She named the doll ___________ her daughter, Barbara,
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She only played the lottery once b_________, but decided to ____________ another go.
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before, have
She recommends res ______________ the time children spend watching TV and playing computer games. Such passive act ________ prom ______ short attention sp _______.
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restricting. activities, promote, spans
She started her tanning habit _________ earnest _______
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in, at
She was afraid her house had again been loo ______________.
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She was seduced by a ______________________, sophisticated young man, who treated her very badly.
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Show your children how to make sen ________ choices, then tr_____ their judgement.
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sensible, trust
Since time imm_________________ parents have wondered how to teach their children to _____________ rules and control their behaviour.
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immemorial, obey
Stay inside. We are _____________ attack.
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Testing yourself with information on cards is a useful ___________________ for studying.
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That experience made Hilary want to take ___________ in the TV show – where millionaires go undercover in poor com___________________ to give money to deserving c____________.
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part, comunities, causes
The ______________ of Directors met yesterday.
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The _______________ of the explosion blew out all the windows.
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The ___________________ of my honesty implicit in your article cannot be ignored.
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The ____________________ amplifier produced a loud, clear sound.
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The actress appeared on____________________ with George Michael.
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The author __________________________ and admitted that he consulted his watch extremely frequently.
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came clean
The author didn’t turn up for appointments at the arranged time _________________ – he was always a little early.
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on the dot
The car one drives is key when it c __________ to tur ___________ a woman's head.
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comes, turning
The centre was ________________ threat of closure.
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The cockpit of the airliner had so many _________________ that I was amazed the pilot could keep track of them all.
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The company felt that such a sophisticated watch was _____________________________ on his wrist.
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out of place
The company only wanted ________________________ wearing their watches – not people likely to get flustered.
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cool customers
The company reserved the right to re____________ the product if the pur____________ lifestyle did not reach the re________________ standard.
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reclaim, purchaser's, required
The company su _____________ a setback ______ 00
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suffered, in
The company were trying to keep a _____________ rein on their customers.
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The doctors warned using sunbeds could result ______ the cancer re _______________.
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in, returning
The Early Bird Study is trac_______ 00 children ______ the hope ______ discovering why diabetes, which is ass______________ with obesity, is ______ the increase _____ youngsters.
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tracking, in, of, associated, on, in
The Epsilon Suave watch company wasn’t prepared to ______________________________ on the question of the image of those who wore their watches.
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give and take
The experience has left him ___________ post traumatic stress disorder.
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The fire that had bu _________ in my friend was never ki ___________ in his children.
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burned, kindled
The futile attempt to stamp ______ the practice only agg______ the situation.
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out, aggraveted
The futile attempts to stamp out the practice only __________________________ the situation.
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The left-winger was ______________________ for a dangerous tackle on a defender.
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The man se __________ in the Royal Navy for eight years.
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The men were injured ______ the attack and are still recovering from the ord ________.
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in, ordeal
The officers got in_____________ in hand-to-___________ fighting with the rioters.
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involved, hand
The opposition claims the government is guilty of ______________________ spending.
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The pirates were ar______________ to the tee _______.
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armed, teeth
The police fired t_________ gas _____________ the crowd.
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tear, into
The police had to han________________ and de____________ a suspect.
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handcuffs, detain
The police had to resort ________ drastic me______________ in order to q___________ the riot and dis________________ the crowd.
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to, measures, quell, disperse
The police must ma____________ law and ____________ at street demonstrations.
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maintain, order
The police used ________________ to overpower the demonstrators.
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The problem, it turned ________, was my chronic promptness.
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The sales are sure to bo ______ in 00 It will be available _________ purchase.
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boom, for
The savings can be p________ into a kitty ________ family outings.
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put, for
The sea grew more turbulent and the waves began to break over the ________________.
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The team reached the semi-final ___________________ of the competition.
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The visit came _____________________________.
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out of the blue
The visit came out of the __________. He didn’t get the _____________ clear at once.
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blue, picture
The watch company wasn’t prepared to give and __________ on the question of the image of ______________ who wore their watches.
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take, those
The wearer is prone _______ anxiety.
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The win echoes ________ of another famous Lotto millionaire from Cumbria.
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The win has changed my life _______ the better and five years _______ I now have my own house.
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for, on
Their commitment and ded_____________ cannot remain unapp______________.
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dedication, unappreciated
Their lives are in gra____________ danger.
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Their lives were offered as an act of lifelong dev_______________ to the ca__________ of public safety.
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devotion, cause
Then Epsilon Suave Company were trying to _______________________________ their customers, allowing them little freedom.
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keep a tight rein on
There are some words we don't use in the children's __________________.
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There are those who ma__________________ that co_______________ punishment has been successfully ad_______________________ for centuries all ___________ the world producing law-ab______________ citizens.
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maintain, corporal, administrated, over, law-abiding
There is an el__________________ of risk in every kind of work.
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There is an el___________________ of risk in this work.
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There was a philosophical drive be ________ the change. It's to ______ with avo____________ of pain and maxi______________ of pleasure.
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behind, do, avoidance, maximisation
There was interest in do _________ glazing and other forms of ins _____________.
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double, insulation
These are the questions being forced _________ us by the increase _____ energy prices.
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upon, in
These find_________ could tu______ our thinking _____ childhood obesity dramatically ______ its head.
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findings, turn, on, on
They are flirting ______________ danger _________ the thrill _______ it.
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with, for, of
They arrived exactly ____ time and carried an unc __________ raincoat ______ their arm.
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on, uncreased, over
They began to fire ________ me __________ AK s.
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at, with
They blasted a h____________ in the ship's side.
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They came ______________ fire from machine guns.
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They can do anything they s _______ their minds ______.
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set, to
They could be fli____________________ with danger.
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They didn’t _______________________________ immediately – they approached the crux of the matter indirectly.
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get down to brass tacks
They didn’t get down to ____________ tacks immediately.
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They had to open fire _________ the demonstrators using ru____________ bullets.
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on, rubber
They have been hon ________ by the Queen ________ their bravery.
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honoured, for
They have to fa___________ constant danger from...
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They jeo __________________ their he ____________.
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They lack the ca ____________ to understand and pro__________ verbal explanations.
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capacity, process
They looked ______ their watches now and t_______ only to _________ sure that Greenwich had ________ it right.
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at, then, make, got
They o ________________ fire ________ machine guns and rocket lau __________.
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open, with, launchers
They operate in a danger zo ____________.
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They p_______ their lives at r______ in order to experience an adrenaline r______.
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put, risk, rush
They p_________ their lives in jeo __________________.
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put, jeopardy
They p__________ their lives __________ risk.
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put, at
They put their lives on the l_____________. Their lives are ________ risk.
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line, at
They r_________ a higher risk of in___________ or death.
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run, injury
They r___________ the risk ______ being killed.
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run, of
They were able to tease _______ the factors _______ create a dr ________ marriage - and those that d __________ a marriage to failure.
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out, that, dream, doom
Those embarking _________ this career are not capable _________ undertaking any other responsibility.
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on, of
Those who choose this profession want to make a ______________ for themselves and be famous.
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Though the boy was sev ___________ asthmatic and spent much of his time _______ the bench, he ye_______________ to play sports.
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severely. on, yearned
To defend something ________________ an attack.
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To ent ______ collectors, Mattel regularly rele__________ pricey limited-edition dolls based ______ char___________ in films and popular cu ___________.
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entice, releasea, on, characters, cultur
To give _____ my watch in ex____________ for being called a waif seemed a bar ______
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up, exchange. bargain
Today we have many schools of ___________________and a great _____________ of different opinions ________ the question how best to s_______________ good and acceptable behaviour in children.
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thought, number, on, shape,
Typediabetes is linked _____ unhealthy lifestyles and accounts _______ around_______ of 0 cas______ of the disease.
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to, for, out, cases
Violence and bloo______________ seem part and _______________of the job.
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bloodshed, parcel
We expect instant grat ________________ and with the shift a _________ from living with sca _____________, or according to nece ____________, that's become a ben____________ of success.
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gratification, away, scarcity, necessity, benchmark
We got ________ _____ the nitty-__________.
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down, to, gritty
We heat the wh________ house now because families no lo _______ cong ___________ in one room, they are sca ________ through______ the house doing different activities.
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whole, longer, congregate, scattered, throughout
We want our kids to have more than we _________, but just handing it ______ them might ba ______________,
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did, to, backfire
We were considering suing you _______ defamation.
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We’d better get down to _______________________. How long will it take, and what will it cost?
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the nitty-gritty
What could red_____________ the risk?
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What is the secret ______ a happy marriage?
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Whatever the benefits, it is doubtful they could com__________________ for one's lo_________ of life.
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compensate, loss
When a child wants something ________ is not _____ your budget, explain the financial co ___________________ and ask how he might help pay.
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that, in, constraints
When his watch was confiscated, he _______________________. He didn’t ___________________________ and put up a ________________ against it.
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took it lying down, stand his ground, fight
When they are unoccupied, they have too much time _______ their hands.
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When they grow _______ in an active environment, they discover the value of becoming inv ____________. If you want them to develop ____________ active, contr__________ adults, now is the time to p_______ the seeds that will b __________ success.
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up, involved, into, contributing, plant, bring
When you are on _____________ a ship you cannot possibly practice playing tennis.
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Whenever I have to deal with too many clients at a time, I get very ________________________.
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While they satisfy the age g ______, they fail ______ another factor.
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gap, on
Who would like to have un__________, b_____________ behaving children who our neighbours will point an acc______________ finger _________ saying they are __________ -bred kids?
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unruly, badly, accusing, at, ill
Without a sufficient intake of vitamins, you are ____________________colds and other infections.
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prone to
You are giving the watch a bad n ___________ by being seen ________ it ______ public.
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name, with, in
You can't take ________ my watch just because I look at it, ______ average, __________ an hour.
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away, on, times
You can’t afford such lovely ma___________________ nails living ________ benefits.
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manicured, on
You don't happen to ___________________his name, do you?
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You must return the watch and und_______________ never to buy ano _________ one.
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undertake, another
Your behaviour casts serious d _________ ______ the reliability of the product.
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doubt, on,
Your letter points _______ several issues that are ______ the r_______ of the problem.
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to, at, root
Your son is beginning to recognise himself _______ a separate be _______, with needs and wants and ______ will of his ___________.
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as, being, a, own
Explorer of the Seas is the most opulent liner af _________.
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I don't like parting _________ my money unless it ___________ to a deserving ________________.
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with, goes, cause
I might also like to play tennis _________ Harold but he could be away _______ business now so I had better put it __________ until tomorrow.
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with, on, off
I will keep an e_________ on the project and if the money is put to good e ____________ I might consider giving some more.
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eye, effect
The Royal Promenade is as wide as a three-__________ motorway.
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The ship is _______ ______ this world. You don't believe you are on _______________ a cruise ship.
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out of, board
The ship is 300 metres long from bow to _________.
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The thrusters can also perform like an anchor and hold the ship rock st ___________.
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