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questão resposta
that is to say
That is to say, he started to tell me something. That is to say, he was not going to give up. Our friends, that is to say our son's friends, will meet us at the airport.
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to znaczy
To be precise
It would be great (even wonderful if you don’t have to move too much) if not the breaks between concerts, or to be more precise the lack of them.
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Aby być precyzyjnym
Wszystko byłoby w porządku (nawet jak najlepszym, jeżeli nie trzeba się za wiele przemieszczać), gdyby nie przerwy między koncertami, których praktycznie nie było.
The immediate cause of this
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Bezpośrednią przyczyną tego
to summarise
The above results may be summarized in the following table. After the meeting, Jim summarised the major decisions made.
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In conclusion
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Na zakończenie
On balace
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Na balace
By and large
By and large, the play was a success.
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W zasadzie
It may be argued
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Można argumentować,
It may be asserted
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Można nawet zaryzykować twierdzenie
It may be contended
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Można nawet zaryzykować twierdzenie
It may be maintained
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Może być utrzymywana

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