English Vocabulary Booster - Health

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as fit as a fiddle / as right as rain
Tomorrow she'll be as right as rain // A week or two here and she'll be as fit as a fiddle
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zdrów jak ryba
feel under the weather
I feel under the weather, can you make me some hot tea? // She's under the weather, I think she has a fever
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czuć się źle
come down on somebody
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zjechać kogoś, mocno kogoś skrytykować, skrzyczeć kogoś
come down with something
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zachorować na coś
be stuffed up
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mieć zapchany nos/z zapchanym nosem
get over something
Fortunately, he's got over the shock // She still hasn't got over the flu.
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wyzdrowieć, dochodzić do siebie (np. po chorobie, wypadku)
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wydzielina / śluz
suffer from
suffer from asthma // suffer from disease // suffer from migraine
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chorować na...
a pain in the neck / ass / butt
something or somebody who is really annoying you
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utrapienie, zmora, wrzód na tyłku
have a asthma attack
Danny had an asthma attack, and Jack took him to the hospital.
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mieć atak astmy
Now I can see the rash on her thighs. // The doctor said it was only a rash.
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to itch / itching
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swędzieć, swędzić / swędzenie
to flare up
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zaostrzyć się (o chorobie)
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nawrót (np. choroby)
pass out / faint
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He's half-conscious after the accident. // Is she conscious?
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przytomny, świadomy
be in unbearable pain
She fell from the ladder and she's in pain.
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być w nieznośnym bólu
be diagnosed with sth
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mieć coś zdiagnozowane
diagnose somebody with something
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stwierdzić coś u kogoś (o chorobie)
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zapalenie płuc
The doctor prescribed me painkillers.
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relieve the pain
What you can do at home every day to relieve pain.
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złagodzić ból
be back on one's feet
I came down with the flu for a week, but I'm back on my feet now
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stanąć na nogi (po problemach)

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