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questão resposta
takie filmy
I don't really like...
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those kinds of films
I don't really like those kinds of films
words shown at the bottom of a film or television picture to show what is being said, or to translate it into a different language: The Chinese movie was shown with English...
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The Chinese movie was shown with English subtitles.
odcinek (serialu)
one of the single parts into which a story is divided, especially when it is broadcast on the television or radio
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He was an 18th-century author who wrote ... of other people's works.
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He was an 18th-century author who wrote parodies of other people's works.
kupić, zdobyć
to obtain, buy, or earn something: He went to the shop to ... some milk.
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He went to the shop to get some milk.
Widzieliście ten serial?
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Have you seen this series/show?
wsłuchajcie się w tekst
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listen to the words/lyrics
a film shown in a cinema or on television and often telling a story: My favourite ... is "Casablanca".
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My favourite movie is "Casablanca".
zawierać, przedstawiać
to include someone or something as an important part: The movie ... James Dean as a disaffected teenager.
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The movie features James Dean as a disaffected teenager.
emitować online np film
to send or receive sound or video directly over the internet as a continuous flow: On YouTube, millions of videos are ... every day.
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On YouTube, millions of videos are streamed every day.
przejąć kontrolę nad światem
Those guys are...
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take over the world
Those guys are taking over the world
scena z filmu
a part of a play or film in which the action stays in one place for a continuous period of time: the funeral/wedding...
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the funeral/wedding scene
scena teatralna
the area in a theatre that is often raised above ground level and on which actors or entertainers perform: Hamlet is on ... for most of the act.
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Hamlet is on stage for most of the act.
wpadający w ucho
(especially of a tune or song) pleasing and easy to remember: a ... tune
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a catchy tune
wypożyczalnia wideo
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video rental store
pokazywać film
to show or broadcast a film or television programme: The programme was not ... on British television.
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The programme was not screened on British television.
the behaviour of someone who is not at all brave and tries to avoid danger: You can accuse me of ..., but I still wouldn't fight in a war.
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You can accuse me of cowardice, but I still wouldn't fight in a war.
pozytywny, wesoły
full of hope, happiness, and good feelings: The mood is ... at Shaw’s campaign headquarters tonight.
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The mood is upbeat at Shaw’s campaign headquarters tonight.
program (telewizyjny)
a theatre performance or a television or radio programme that is entertaining rather than serious: radio/television/stage...
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radio/television/stage show
If something is ..., it seems possible, real, or true: I didn't find any of the characters in the film...
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I didn't find any of the characters in the film believable.
making you feel unhappy and without hope for the future: This weather is so...
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This weather is so depressing.
skoro o tym mowa, a propos
..., sadly, next month Fabryczna 13 will be closing its doors.
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Speaking of which
Speaking of which, sadly, next month Fabryczna 13 will be closing its doors.
pokaz filmu
a showing of a film: There will be three ... of the film - at 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
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There will be three screenings of the film - at 3 p.m., 5 p.m., and 7 p.m.
reularny udział, patronat
the support given to an organization by someone: The charity enjoys the ... of many prominent local business people.
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The charity enjoys the patronage of many prominent local business people.
wypożyczyć film
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rent a movie
za darmo
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for free
film dokumentalny
a film or television or radio programme that gives facts and information about a subject: The ... took a fresh look at the life of Darwin.
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The documentary took a fresh look at the life of Darwin.
przyprawiający o mdłości
making you feel as if you are going to vomit: the ... smell of rotting food
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the nauseating smell of rotting food
to store sounds or moving pictures using electronic equipment so that they can be heard or seen later: We ... their wedding on video.
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We recorded their wedding on video.
jak Boga kocham
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hand to God
być na bieżąco z
You got to ... technology
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stay up with
You got to stay up with technology
stracić kontakt z rzeczywistością
If I ever ..., kill me.
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get out of touch
If I ever get that out of touch, kill me.
kino amer.
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movie theater
They just...
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smell bad
They just smell bad
sms, wysyłać smsy
a ... message: I'll send you a ... as soon as I have any news.
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I'll send you a text as soon as I have any news.
Mam jeden zaległy (odcinek)
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I'm one behind
sezon (serialu)
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z tego tygodnia, najnowszy
Ooh, how about ... "Black Mirror"
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this week's
Ooh, how about this week's "Black Mirror"
filmik, film z internetu lub nagrany telefonem
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to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger: The dog ... at her and snapped at her ankles.
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The dog growled at her and snapped at her ankles.
szyszka (z np sosny)
a hard, oval fruit from a pine tree that opens and releases seeds
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zepsuć końcówkę
I actually hadn't watched it yet, but thanks for...
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ruin the ending
I actually hadn't watched it yet, but thanks for ruining the ending
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bath; a long plastic, metal, or ceramic container that is filled with water so that you can sit or lie in it to wash your whole body: It's good to sink into a nice, hot ... at the end of a hard day's work.
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It's good to sink into a nice, hot tub at the end of a hard day's work.
poczekać (sekundę)
used to tell someone to wait for a short time: ..., I'll check in my diary.
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hold on
Hold on, I'll check in my diary.
Jak duży telewizor (but itd)
... can I get for around $900?
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What size TV...
What size TV can I get for around $900?
Wiesz, o czym jest ta piosenka?
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Do you know what this song is about?
zdradzać (męża/żonę)
to have a secret sexual relationship with someone who is not your husband, wife, or usual sexual partner: I love my wife and I would never...
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I love my wife and I would never cheat.
ogłoszenie matrymonialne
an advertisement that you put in a newspaper or magazine, often in order to find a sexual partner: He placed/put a ... in The Times.
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personal ad
He placed/put a personal ad in The Times.
to take some things and leave others: Let's ... another one.
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Let's pick another one.
na ekranie
(of a perfomer, actor, etc.) when appearing in a film, on a TV show, etc., rather than in real life: The two actors have amazing chemistry...
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on screen
The two actors have amazing chemistry on-screen.
to say or do something to someone that is rude or offensive: First he drank all my wine and then he ... all my friends.
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First he drank all my wine and then he insulted all my friends.
po mistrzowsku
in a very skilful way: His life is revealed ... by his biographer.
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His life is revealed masterfully by his biographer.
na żywo na koncercie
is like listening to the most beautiful symphony...
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live in concert
is like listening to the most beautiful symphony live in concert.
the activity of writing, telling, or reading stories: The film combines skilful ... with striking visuals.
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The film combines skilful storytelling with striking visuals.
twórczość filmowa
the process or art of making a film: She is pursuing a ... career
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She is pursuing a filmmaking career
serial komediowy
a television series in which the same characters are involved in amusing situations in each show
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situation comedy
program rozrywkowy
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variety show
w dni robocze
any day of the week except Sunday and Saturday: The bank is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m...
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on weekdays
The bank is open from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays.
mamrotać, mówić niewyraźnie
to speak quietly and in a way that is not clear so that the words are difficult to understand: She ... something about being too busy.
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She mumbled something about being too busy.
prowadzący, gospodarz programu
a person who introduces guests and performers, especially on television or radio: Our ... for tonight's show is Jimmy Fallon.
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Our host for tonight's show is Jimmy Fallon.
premiera kinowa
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cinematic release
to give a quick short look: She ... around/round the room to see who was there.
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She glanced around/round the room to see who was there.
a TV programme or short film, usually a funny one, made using characters and images that are drawn rather than real: The TV shows kids' ... on Saturday mornings.
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The TV shows kids' cartoons on Saturday mornings.
z dubbingiem
to change the sounds and speech on a film or television programme, especially to a different language: I'd rather watch a movie with subtitles than one ... into English.
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I'd rather watch a movie with subtitles than one dubbed into English.
powszechnie dostępny
finally became...
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widely available
finally became widely available
kiedy się pojawiły
I watched the final two seasons of "Friends" ... every week in 2002-2004.
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as they were coming out
I watched the final two seasons of "Friends"as they were coming out every week in 2002-2004.
stałe łącze internetowe (szerokopasmowe)
a system that makes it possible for many messages or large amounts of information to be sent at the same time and very quickly between computers or other electronic devices: Internet connection via ... offers many advantages.
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broadband connection
Internet connection via broadband offers many advantages.
pokaz, spektakl popołudniowy
an afternoon performance of a movie or play
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live theatre
very exciting to look at: He scored a ... goal in the second half.
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He scored a spectacular goal in the second half.
sztuka infml
a theatre performance or a television or radio programme that is entertaining rather than serious: Why don't we go to London on Saturday and see a ...?
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Why don't we go to London on Saturday and see a show?
the character of a place or situation: We were there for such a short time, we didn't really ... (= get to know) the place.
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get the feel of
We were there for such a short time, we didn't really get the feel of (= get to know) the place.
wchodzę w to!
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Count me in!
wyprzedać bilety
When a film, concert, etc. is ..., all of the tickets for it have been ...: We couldn't get seats - the concert was...
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sell out
We couldn't get seats - the concert was sold out.
very attractive, in a mysterious way, making you want to keep looking; He had the most ... blue eyes.
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He had the most mesmerizing blue eyes.
wyśpiewać infml
to sing or play a musical instrument very loudly: The band was ... all the old favourites.
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belt out
The band was belting out all the old favourites.
największe przeboje
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greatest hits
zachwycać się
to express excitement about something or great interest in it: He was ... a wonderful restaurant he'd been to.
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enthuse over
He was enthusing over a wonderful restaurant he'd been to.
zrobić show infml
He ... fantastic shows
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put on a show
He puts on fantastic shows
za każdym razem
very often: I’ve told you ... to lock both doors before you leave.
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time and time again
I’ve told you time and time again to lock both doors before you leave.
rodzaj muzyki
People often ask me what ... I listen to
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type of music
People often ask me what type of music I listen to
muzyka klasyczna
music that is considered to be part of a long, formal tradition and to have lasting value: Do you prefer ... like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?
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Classical music
Do you prefer classical music like Mozart and Mahler, or pop?
machać czupryną
the activity of shaking your head up and down with great force to the beat of rock music
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Nie jestem fanem horrorów
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I'm not a fan of horror movies
Proszę nie sms-ować. To jest kino.
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Please don't text here. It's a movie theater.
Lubię różne rodzaje muzyki
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I like all types of music
film akcji
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action film
film o miłości, melodramat
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love story
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TV series, TV show
reklama telewizyjna
used to refer to radio or television paid for by advertisements that are broadcast between and during programmes: Now it's time for a ... break.
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Now it's time for a commercial break.
program kulinarny
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cooking show
bieżące wydarzenia
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current affairs
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game show
a television or radio programme consisting of reports about recent events: Was there anything interesting on the ... this evening?
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news program
Was there anything interesting on the news this evening?
a series of television or radio programmes about the lives and problems of a particular group of characters.; The new ... will be screened, wait for it, five times each day.
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soap opera
The new soap opera will be screened, wait for it, five times each day.
śmiech w tle (z puszki, np przy oglądaniu seriali)
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laugh track
kabaret, występ kabaretowy
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sketch comedy
część programu
a short piece of film that forms part of a television or radio programme, or that is broadcast on the internet: CNN last week broadcast a ... on homicides in the city.
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CNN last week broadcast a segment on homicides in the city.

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