questão |
resposta |
nabytek, zakup, przejęcie começar a aprender
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wprowadzić produkt na rynek começar a aprender
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The number of people in that company is tremendous.
Każdy z moich kolegów ma inna opinię na temat fuzji começar a aprender
Each of my colleagues has a different opinion regarding the merger.
wskazówka, rada; wskaźnik (np. ekonomiczny) começar a aprender
Use these pointers to help you deliver a successful opening.
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something that gets them thinking
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get people’s attention - grab attention
zaniepokojony, zakłopotany, pragnący (czegoś), żądny começar a aprender
Moja mama zawsze się o mnie niepokoi começar a aprender
My mother is always anxious about me
Mój ojciec bardzo pragnie, abym studiował medycynę. começar a aprender
My father is very anxious for me to study medicine
Rzeczy działy się szybko ostatnio começar a aprender
Things have been happening fast lately
co prowadzi nas do mojego następnego punktu começar a aprender
which brings us to my next point
dzielić wspólną wizję dla przyszłości firmy começar a aprender
to share common vision for company’s future
Chciałabym przejść do mojego osatniego punktu começar a aprender
I’d like to move on to my final point
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a diagram that shows the connections between the different stages of a process or parts of a system The teacher gave us a flow chart showing the steps we should take when writing our term papers. creating a flow chart at work
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As you can see on this bar graph, sales are up, particularly in South America.
chciałbym ściągnąć waszą uwagę na 3. kolumnę w tej tabeli começar a aprender
I'd like to draw your attention to the third column in this table.
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The pie chart shows spending is down. On the other hand, you can see that sales have also decreased.