questão |
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kindergarten/nursery school
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elementary school/primary school
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middle school/junior high school
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high school/secondary school
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private school (US) / public school (UK)
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public school (US) / state school (UK)
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vocational school/trade school
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magister (nauki humanistyczne) começar a aprender
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gadanina, paplanina - rozmowy na tematy niezwiązane z lekcją. começar a aprender
The classroom was filled with chatter as the students waited for the teacher to arrive.
wagarować - opuszczać lekcje bez powodu. começar a aprender
He often skipped classes to hang out with his friends, which negatively affected his grades.
zdawać egzamin/ pisać test - sprawdzenie wiedzy lub umiejętności. começar a aprender
I'm taking an exam in biology next week, so I need to start studying.
zajęcia pozalekcyjne - dodatkowe zajęcia organizowane poza planem lekcji, np. kółka zainteresowań, zajęcia sportowe. começar a aprender
extracurricular activities She participates in several extracurricular activities, including the debate team and the school choir.
burza mózgów - metoda generowania pomysłów w grupie. começar a aprender
The team got together to brainstorm ideas for their new marketing campaign.
omawiać pracę domową - rozmowa na temat zadania domowego. começar a aprender
They met at the library to discuss the homework assignment.
udzielać informacji zwrotnej - komentowanie pracy lub odpowiedzi ucznia. começar a aprender
The teacher will give feedback on the essays next week.
przerabiać coś, omawiać coś - analizować materiał. começar a aprender
Before the test, let's go over the main points from the chapter.
beznadziejny w czymś - bardzo słaby w jakiejś dziedzinie. começar a aprender
I'm hopeless at math; I just can't seem to grasp the concepts.
przeciętny - o przeciętnych umiejętnościach. começar a aprender
He's an average student, getting mostly Bs and Cs.
mól książkowy - osoba, która uwielbia czytać książki. começar a aprender
She's a real bookworm and can often be found with her nose in a book.
wyróżniający się - o ponadprzeciętnych osiągnięciach. começar a aprender
He's a distinguished professor with years of experience in his field.
uzdolniony - posiadający naturalne zdolności w jakiejś dziedzinie. começar a aprender
She's a gifted musician and started playing the piano at a very young age.
wszystkowiedzący - osoba, która uważa, że wie wszystko i lubi się tym chwalić. começar a aprender
He's a bit of a know-it-all and always has to have the last word.
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A visual learner might use flashcards or diagrams to help them study.
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Auditory learners often do well in lectures and by listening to recordings.
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Direct contact with clients is an important part of this job.
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My German is rusty from lack of practice.
poczucie spełnienia/osiągnięcia começar a aprender
Volunteering gives me a sense of accomplishment.
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This antique watch is extremely valuable.
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She is a dedicated teacher who goes above and beyond for her students.
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He has a flair for languages and can speak five fluently.
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I'm planning to take part in a course on digital marketing.
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How do you pronounce your last name?
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I feel insecure about my presentation skills.
powtarzać (materiał do nauki) começar a aprender
It's important to revise your work before submitting it.
podszlifować (umiejętności) começar a aprender
I need to brush up on my French before my trip to Paris.
"nauczyć się czegoś na pamięć", tak aby móc to odtworzyć bez patrzenia na tekst. começar a aprender
"""I had to learn all the Shakespearean sonnets by heart for my English literature class.""
""My grandmother can still recite poems she learned by heart as a child.""" começar a aprender
""My grandmother can still recite poems she learned by heart as a child."""
oznacza to, że coś jest bardzo łatwe do zrobienia. começar a aprender
"""That exam was a piece of cake, I finished it in half the time.""
""Don't worry, assembling this furniture is a piece of cake, just follow the instructions.""" começar a aprender
""Don't worry, assembling this furniture is a piece of cake, just follow the instructions."""
"pracować do późna w nocy", często nad czymś pilnym lub wymagającym. começar a aprender
"""I have to burn the midnight oil tonight to finish this project before the deadline.""
""She's been burning the midnight oil all week to prepare for her presentation.""" começar a aprender
""She's been burning the midnight oil all week to prepare for her presentation."""
czuć się niepewnie lub niekompetentnie w jakiejś sytuacji, często dlatego, że jest ona zbyt trudna lub skomplikowana. começar a aprender
feel/be out of your depth """I felt completely out of my depth in the advanced math class.""
""He was out of his depth trying to fix the car engine himself.""" começar a aprender
""He was out of his depth trying to fix the car engine himself."""
"z wielkim sukcesem", "znakomicie". começar a aprender
"""She passed her driving test with flying colours.""
""The team won the championship with flying colours.""" começar a aprender
""The team won the championship with flying colors."""
gadanina, paplanina - rozmowy na tematy niezwiązane z lekcją. começar a aprender
The classroom was filled with chatter as the students waited for the teacher to arrive.
wagarować - opuszczać lekcje bez powodu. começar a aprender
He often skipped classes to hang out with his friends, which negatively affected his grades.
zdawać egzamin/ pisać test - sprawdzenie wiedzy lub umiejętności. começar a aprender
I'm taking an exam in biology next week, so I need to start studying.
zajęcia pozalekcyjne - dodatkowe zajęcia organizowane poza planem lekcji, np. kółka zainteresowań, zajęcia sportowe. começar a aprender
extracurricular activities She participates in several extracurricular activities, including the debate team and the school choir.
burza mózgów - metoda generowania pomysłów w grupie. começar a aprender
The team got together to brainstorm ideas for their new marketing campaign.
omawiać pracę domową - rozmowa na temat zadania domowego. começar a aprender
They met at the library to discuss the homework assignment.
udzielać informacji zwrotnej - komentowanie pracy lub odpowiedzi ucznia. começar a aprender
The teacher will give feedback on the essays next week.
przerabiać coś, omawiać coś - analizować materiał. começar a aprender
Before the test, let's go over the main points from the chapter.
beznadziejny w czymś - bardzo słaby w jakiejś dziedzinie. começar a aprender
I'm hopeless at math; I just can't seem to grasp the concepts.
przeciętny - o przeciętnych umiejętnościach. começar a aprender
He's an average student, getting mostly Bs and Cs.
mól książkowy - osoba, która uwielbia czytać książki. começar a aprender
She's a real bookworm and can often be found with her nose in a book.
wyróżniający się - o ponadprzeciętnych osiągnięciach. começar a aprender
He's a distinguished professor with years of experience in his field.
uzdolniony - posiadający naturalne zdolności w jakiejś dziedzinie. começar a aprender
She's a gifted musician and started playing the piano at a very young age.
wszystkowiedzący - osoba, która uważa, że wie wszystko i lubi się tym chwalić. começar a aprender
He's a bit of a know-it-all and always has to have the last word.