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each BE AE
They each have their own room.
começar a aprender
each BE AE inglês
Każdy z nich ma swój pokój.
eager BE AE
She is eager to help us.
começar a aprender
eager BE AE inglês
Ona jest chętna, by nam pomóc.
ear BE AE
Greg whispered something in her ear.
começar a aprender
ear BE AE inglês
Greg wyszeptał jej coś do ucha.
early BE AE
Who likes getting up early?
começar a aprender
early BE AE inglês
wczesny, wcześnie
Kto lubi wcześnie wstawać?
earn BE AE
Doctors and nurses don’t earn much.
começar a aprender
earn BE AE inglês
Lekarze i pielęgniarki nie zarabiają dużo.
earth BE AE
The Moon goes around the Earth.
começar a aprender
earth BE AE inglês
Księżyc krąży wokół Ziemi.
east BE AE
The sun rises in the east.
começar a aprender
east BE AE inglês
wschód (strona świata); wschodni
Słońce wschodzi na wschodzie.
easy BE AE
It’s easy to install this software.
começar a aprender
easy BE AE inglês
To oprogramowanie jest łatwe do zainstalowania.
eat BE AE
I don’t feel like eating.
começar a aprender
eat BE AE inglês
Nie chce mi się jeść.
economic BE AE
The country is facing severe economic problems.
começar a aprender
economic BE AE inglês
ekonomiczny, gospodarczy
Kraj staje w obliczu poważnych problemów ekonomicznych.
economy BE AE
Poland used to have a centrally planned economy.
começar a aprender
economy BE AE inglês
Polska miała (kiedyś) gospodarkę centralnie planowaną.
edge BE AE
The tanks were waiting on the edge of town.
começar a aprender
edge BE AE inglês
krawędź, skraj; ostrze
Czołgi czekały na skraju miasta.
education BE AE
The standard of education in Japan is high.
começar a aprender
education BE AE inglês
edukacja, wykształcenie
Poziom wykształcenia w Japonii jest wysoki.
effect BE AE
What effect did that have on the situation?
começar a aprender
effect BE AE inglês
efekt, wpływ
Jaki miało to wpływ na sytuację?
effective BE AE
The treatment is very effective.
começar a aprender
effective BE AE inglês
efektywny, skuteczny
Leczenie jest bardzo skuteczne.
effort BE AE
I put a lot of effort into that essay.
começar a aprender
effort BE AE inglês
Włożyłem dużo wysiłku w to wypracowanie.
egg BE AE
I like boiled eggs for breakfast.
começar a aprender
egg BE AE inglês
Lubię gotowane jajka na śniadanie.
eight BE AE
There are eight boys in the group.
começar a aprender
eight BE AE inglês
W grupie jest ośmiu chłopców.
eighteen BE AE
There are eighteen windows in the house.
começar a aprender
eighteen BE AE inglês
W domu jest osiemnaście okien.
eighty BE AE
My grandfather is eighty.
começar a aprender
eighty BE AE inglês
Mój dziadek ma osiemdziesiąt lat.
either BE AE
You can either pay in euros or dollars.
começar a aprender
either BE AE inglês
Możesz płacić w euro albo w dolarach.
elect BE AE
He was elected president.
começar a aprender
elect BE AE inglês
Został wybrany na prezydenta.
election BE AE
She won the election.
começar a aprender
election BE AE inglês
Wygrała wybory.
electric BE AE
We need an electric cooker.
começar a aprender
electric BE AE inglês
Potrzebujemy kuchenki elektrycznej.
electricity BE AE
The electricity has been cut off.
começar a aprender
electricity BE AE inglês
Elektryczność została wyłączona/odcięta.
element BE AE
They can’t find the last element.
começar a aprender
element BE AE inglês
Nie mogą znaleźć ostatniego elementu.
eleven BE AE
I went out at eleven.
começar a aprender
eleven BE AE inglês
Wyszedłem o jedenastej.
else BE AE
What else do you need?
começar a aprender
else BE AE inglês
poza tym, ponadto, jeszcze
Czego jeszcze potrzebujesz?
employ BE AE
The firm employs 100 people.
começar a aprender
employ BE AE inglês
Firma zatrudnia 100 osób.
employer BE AE
He was sent to Singapore by his employer.
começar a aprender
employer BE AE inglês
Został wysłany do Singapuru przez swojego pracodawcę.
empty BE AE
We need to go shopping because the fridge is empty.
começar a aprender
empty BE AE inglês
Musimy iść na zakupy, bo lodówka jest pusta.
enable BE AE
The money will enable me to start my own business.
começar a aprender
enable BE AE inglês
Pieniądze umożliwią mi założenie własnej firmy.
encourage BE AE
They encouraged me to try again.
começar a aprender
encourage BE AE inglês
Zachęcili mnie, bym znowu spróbował.
end BE AE
She dies at the end of the film.
começar a aprender
end BE AE inglês
koniec; kończyć
Ona umiera na końcu filmu.
enemy BE AE
Did he have any enemies?
começar a aprender
enemy BE AE inglês
Czy on miał jakichś wrogów?
energy BE AE
We all should save energy.
começar a aprender
energy BE AE inglês
Wszyscy powinniśmy oszczędzać energię.
engine BE AE
This car has a powerful engine.
começar a aprender
engine BE AE inglês
Ten samochód ma mocny silnik.
engineer BE AE
The company is seeking two civil engineers.
começar a aprender
engineer BE AE inglês
Firma poszukuje dwóch inżynierów budownictwa.
England BE AE
We’re going on a trip to England.
começar a aprender
England BE AE inglês
Jedziemy na wycieczkę do Anglii.
English BE AE
Do you speak English?
começar a aprender
English BE AE inglês
Mówisz po angielsku?
enjoy BE AE
I didn’t enjoy it at all.
começar a aprender
enjoy BE AE inglês
lubić; podobać się; cieszyć się (np. dobrym zdrowiem)
W ogóle mi się to nie podobało.
enough BE AE
Do you have enough money?
começar a aprender
enough BE AE inglês
Masz wystarczająco pieniędzy?
ensure BE AE
I can ensure you that all is well.
começar a aprender
ensure BE AE inglês
Mogę cię zapewnić, że wszystko jest dobrze.
enter BE AE
He knocked on the door and entered.
começar a aprender
enter BE AE inglês
Zapukał do drzwi i wszedł.
entertainment BE AE
The film is good family entertainment.
começar a aprender
entertainment BE AE inglês
Ten film do dobra rozrywka dla całej rodziny.
entire BE AE
He ate an entire chicken.
começar a aprender
entire BE AE inglês
Zjadł całego kurczaka.
entrance BE AE
Wait for me at the school entrance.
começar a aprender
entrance BE AE inglês
Czekaj na mnie przy wejściu do szkoły.
envelope BE AE
I need an envelope and a stamp.
começar a aprender
envelope BE AE inglês
Potrzebuję kopertę i znaczek.
environment BE AE
We must protect the environment.
começar a aprender
environment BE AE inglês
Musimy chronić środowisko.
equal BE AE
I divided it into two equal parts.
começar a aprender
equal BE AE inglês
Podzieliłem to na dwie równe części.
equipment BE AE
The thieves stole electronic equipment.
começar a aprender
equipment BE AE inglês
Złodzieje ukradli sprzęt elektroniczny.
escape BE AE
He has escaped from prison three times.
começar a aprender
escape BE AE inglês
ucieczka; uciekać
Uciekł z więzienia trzy razy.
especially BE AE
Unemployment is quite high, especially in the countryside.
começar a aprender
especially BE AE inglês
Bezrobocie jest dość wysokie, zwłaszcza na wsi.
essential BE AE
It’s essential to inform them in advance.
começar a aprender
essential BE AE inglês
niezbędny, istotny, zasadniczy
Jest niezbędne, by poinformować ich wcześniej.
establish BE AE
The Jagiellonian University was established in 1364.
começar a aprender
establish BE AE inglês
ustanawiać; zakładać
Uniwersytet Jagielloński został założony w 1364 roku.
Europe BE AE
They are on tour in Europe.
começar a aprender
Europe BE AE inglês
Są na tournee w Europie.
European BE AE
Japanese people like visiting European countries.
começar a aprender
European BE AE inglês
Europejczyk, europejski
Japończycy lubią odwiedzać europejskie kraje.
even BE AE
It has everything, even a tennis court.
começar a aprender
even BE AE inglês
Tam jest wszystko, nawet kort tenisowy.
evening BE AE
I’m staying at home this evening.
começar a aprender
evening BE AE inglês
Zostaję w domu w ten wieczór.
event BE AE
It was a great event.
começar a aprender
event BE AE inglês
To było wielkie wydarzenie.
ever BE AE
Have you ever been to China?
começar a aprender
ever BE AE inglês
Byłeś kiedykolwiek w Chinach?
every BE AE
She answered every question.
começar a aprender
every BE AE inglês
Odpowiedziała na każde pytanie.
everybody BE AE
Everybody knows him here.
começar a aprender
everybody BE AE inglês
każdy, wszyscy
Wszyscy go tu znają.
everyone BE AE
Everyone was shocked by the news.
começar a aprender
everyone BE AE inglês
każdy, wszyscy
Wszyscy byli zszokowani wiadomościami.
everything BE AE
Do you have everything?
começar a aprender
everything BE AE inglês
Masz wszystko?
everywhere BE AE
I’ve looked for it everywhere.
começar a aprender
everywhere BE AE inglês
Szukałem tego wszędzie.
evidence BE AE
There’s no evidence that he killed her.
começar a aprender
evidence BE AE inglês
dowód, dowody
Nie ma dowodu, że on ją zabił.
evil BE AE
They can’t tell good from evil.
começar a aprender
evil BE AE inglês
Nie potrafią odróżnić dobra od zła.
exactly BE AE
That’s exactly what I mean.
começar a aprender
exactly BE AE inglês
dokładnie; właśnie
Właśnie to mam na myśli.
exam BE AE, examination BE AE
I passed my English exam.
começar a aprender
exam BE AE, examination BE AE inglês
Zdałem egzamin z angielskiego.
examine BE AE
You must be examined by a doctor.
começar a aprender
examine BE AE inglês
egzaminować; badać
Musisz być zbadany przez lekarza.
example BE AE
Could you give me an example?
começar a aprender
example BE AE inglês
Mógłbyś podać mi przykład?
excellent BE AE
You did an excellent job!
começar a aprender
excellent BE AE inglês
Wykonałeś doskonałą pracę!
except BE AE
Everyone was present except Linda.
começar a aprender
except BE AE inglês
Wszyscy byli obecni, oprócz Lindy.
exception BE AE
It’s an exception to the rule.
começar a aprender
exception BE AE inglês
To wyjątek od reguły.
exchange BE AE
I gave him my camera in exchange for a watch.
começar a aprender
exchange BE AE inglês
wymiana, zamiana, wymieniać
Dałem mu aparat w zamian za zegarek.
exciting BE AE
The volleyball match was very exciting.
começar a aprender
exciting BE AE inglês
Mecz siatkówki był bardzo ekscytujący.
excuse BE AE
That’s just an excuse!
começar a aprender
excuse BE AE inglês
wymówka, wybaczać
To tylko wymówka!
exercise BE AE
We’ve done all the exercises in this lesson.
começar a aprender
exercise BE AE inglês
ćwiczenie; ćwiczyć
Zrobiliśmy wszystkie ćwiczenia w tej lekcji.
exist BE AE
That company doesn’t exist anymore.
começar a aprender
exist BE AE inglês
Ta firma już nie istnieje.
exit BE AE
We couldn’t find the exit.
começar a aprender
exit BE AE inglês
Nie mogliśmy znaleźć wyjścia.
expect BE AE
She’s expecting a baby.
começar a aprender
expect BE AE inglês
spodziewać się
Ona spodziewa się dziecka.
expense BE AE
He did it at his own expense.
começar a aprender
expense BE AE inglês
Zrobił to na własny koszt.
expensive BE AE
He bought an expensive watch.
começar a aprender
expensive BE AE inglês
Kupił drogi zegarek.
experience BE AE
She has a lot of experience.
começar a aprender
experience BE AE inglês
Ona ma dużo doświadczenia.
experiment BE AE
They did an experiment in the laboratory.
começar a aprender
experiment BE AE inglês
eksperyment; eksperymentować
Zrobili eksperyment w laboratorium.
expert BE AE
Experts say that the system isn’t secure.
começar a aprender
expert BE AE inglês
ekspert; fachowy
Eksperci twierdzą, że system nie jest bezpieczny.
explain BE AE
Can you explain what happened?
começar a aprender
explain BE AE inglês
Możesz wyjaśnić, co się stało?
explanation BE AE
His explanation was poor.
começar a aprender
explanation BE AE inglês
Jego wyjaśnienie było marne.
explore BE AE
Let’s go to explore the surroundings.
começar a aprender
explore BE AE inglês
badać, poznawać, zwiedzać
Chodźmy zwiedzić okolicę.
express BE AE
He can express himself well in English.
começar a aprender
express BE AE inglês
wyrażać; ekspres
On potrafi dobrze wyrażać się po angielsku.
expression BE AE
It’s a common expression.
começar a aprender
expression BE AE inglês
To jest popularne wyrażenie.
extend BE AE
I’m going to extend my stay.
começar a aprender
extend BE AE inglês
przedłużać; rozszerzać
Zamierzam przedłużyć mój pobyt.
extra BE AE
That will cost extra.
começar a aprender
extra BE AE inglês
To będzie dodatkowo kosztować.
extraordinary BE AE
They have made extraordinary progress.
começar a aprender
extraordinary BE AE inglês
niezwykły, wyjątkowy
Uczynili wyjątkowy postęp.
extreme BE AE
She goes from one extreme to the other.
começar a aprender
extreme BE AE inglês
skrajność, ekstremum, ekstremalny, skrajny
Ona popada z jednej skrajności w drugą.
eye BE AE
Keep an eye on him.
começar a aprender
eye BE AE inglês
Nie spuszczaj go z oka.

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