Do you fear Artificial Intelligence?

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you’ll need all your wits about you
you’ll need all your wits about you = you will have to think very quickly
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zachowac zdrowy rozsadek/ jasny umysl
He was known for great wit at a young age.
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have/keep (all) your wits about you
to be ready to think quickly in a situation and react to things that you are not expecting: Cycling is potentially very dangerous in the city - you have to keep your wits about you.
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zachowac zdrowy rozsadek/ jasny umysl
She was gone before he could find any part of his wits.
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zdrowy rozum, zdolności
threat = something which can put us in danger
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groźba, zagrożenie
He doesn't pose a threat to me. I won't tolerate him making threats to me
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groźba, zagrożenie
pose a threat to
He doesn't pose a threat to me
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stanowić zagrożenie dla
to surpass = to have superior abilities
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przewyższać/ przekraczac
This product was of superior quality
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ponadprzeciętny, wybitny
In fact, he surpassed what we asked him to do.
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przewydszyl/ przekroczył
in pursuit of their goals
in pursuit of their goals = trying to meet their objectives
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w dążeniu do swoich celów
pursuit of sth
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Dążenie do czegoś
persuit = attempt to
the act of trying to achieve a plan, activity, or situation, usually over a long period of time.
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pogonią = próbować, usiłować
the pursuit of happiness The company is ruthless in its pursuit of profit. in pursuit of (= trying to achieve) a ten percent pay increase.
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The company is ruthless in its pursuit of profit.
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He attempted to remain polite.
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On usiłował pozostać grzecznym.
moral compass
moral compass a natural perception people have about what is right and what is wrong
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kompas moralny
moral compass
He has a good moral compass, which is important to the country. People had lost their moral compass.
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kompas moralny
you’ll need all your wits about you
Well, you’ll need all your wits about you – meaning you’ll need to think very quickly in this programme because we’re talking about intelligence, or to be more accurate, Artificial Intelligence
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zachowac zdrowy rozsadek/ jasny umysl
synthetic voice
people remember him for his brilliance and also because he communicates using a synthetic voice generated by a computer – synthetic means it’s made from something non-natural.
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syntetyczny głos
Artificial is similar in meaning
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Professor Hawking has said recently that efforts to create thinking machines are a threat to our existence. A threat means something which can put us in danger.
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groźba, zagrożenie
are surpassing
Some of these very clever robots are already surpassing us. To surpass means to have abilities superior to our own.
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przewyższać/ przekraczac
Some of these very clever robots are already surpassing us. To surpass means to have abilities superior to our own.
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lepszy (ponadprzeciętny, wybitny)
It was an embarrassing defeat. Nobody anticipated defeat
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To była żenująca porażka
Nobody anticipated defeat.
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Nikt nie spodziewał się klęski.
to defeat sb
We were defeated in this battle. The last question defeated me
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pokonać kogoś
to defeat sb in an argument
Maybe you can remember the headlines when a supercomputer defeated the World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov, to everybody’s astonishment.
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pokonać kogoś w kłótnię
Menace = threat. Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone. Dogs running loose are a public menace. the menace of industrial pollution
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In many movies and books about robots that think, the robots end up rebelling against their creators.
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The bulk of the risk is not in machines being evil or hating humans but rather that they are indifferent to humans and that in pursuit of their own goals we humans would suffer as a side effect.
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masa / ogrom (większość czegoś)
indifferent to
they are indifferent to humans
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obojętny na
posed by
But some experts say the risk posed by Artificial Intelligence is not that computers attack us because they hate us
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stwarzane przez
Suppose you had a super intelligent AI whose only goal was to make as many paperclips as possible.
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pursuit of sth
The bulk of the risk is not in machines being evil or hating humans but rather that they are indifferent to humans and that in pursuit of their own goals we humans would suffer as a side effect.
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Dążenie do czegoś
pursuit of sth
‘meet their objectives’ is to ‘pursue their goals
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Dążenie do czegoś
pursuit of sth
So the academic explains that if you’re a computer responsible for producing paperclips, you will pursue your objective at any cost
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Dążenie do czegoś
either ... or
How can we be sure that Artificial Intelligence – be it either a device or software – will have a moral compass?
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albo ... albo

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