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gospodyni domowa sprząta dom
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housewife cleans the house
chirurg operuje ludzi
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The surgeon is operating people
Strażak gasi pożar
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Firefighter puts out a fire
programista tworzy programy
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programmer creates programs
szef kuchni gotuje i pilnuje swoich podwładnych w kuchni
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the chef cooks and watches over his subordinates in the kitchen
dziennikarz pisze do gazet
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journalist writes to newspapers
farmaceuta wydaje leki w aptece
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pharmacist dispenses drugs at the pharmacy
hydraulik naprawia zlew
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plumber repairing the sink
tworzy budynki
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the engineer creates constructions
Pielęgniarka pracuje w przychodni
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The nurse works at the clinic
Ekspedient pracuje w sklepie
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The salesman works in the store
archeolog odkrywa stare przedmioty
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archaeologist discovers old objects
Nauczyciel pracuje w szkole
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The teacher works at school
Policjant pracuje na komisariacie policji
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A policeman working at a police station
Pilot pilotuje samoloty
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The pilot is piloting planes
sportowiec ćwiczy
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the athlete does exercise
elektryk naprawia kable
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The electrician fixes the cables
kierowca wyścigowy ściga się
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the racing driver is racing
kierowca rajdowy prowadzi samochód wyścigowy
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the rally driver drives a race car
kierowca autobusu prowadzi autobus
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the bus driver drives the bus
biznesmen prowadzi swoją firmę
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businessman runs his company
Lekarz pracuje w szpitalu
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A doctor working in a hospital
aktor gra w filmach
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actor plays in movies
prawnik pracuje w firmie adwokackiej
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lawyer works in a law firm
Student uczy się
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The student learns
pilot lata samolotem
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airplane pilot years
przewodnik oprowadza turystów
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guide guides tourists
fryzjerka dba o włosy swoich klientek
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hairdresser cares for the hair of his clients
kosmetyczka zajmuje się upiększaniem urody
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the cosmetician deals with beautifying the beauty
reporter telewizyjny robi reportaże na ruzne tematy
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TV reporter reports on various topics
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the young

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