A well-made cup of coffee should require no cream or sugar.
It requires time.
Elizabeth promised to build a device that would perform all of the tests required with great speed and accuracy using a single drop of blood.
To understand this; and then make a conscious decision that you will do it differently requires a lot of maturity.
1. Other actions will require additional help. / 2. That doesn't require very much imagination.
They have imitated his style in all areas except those that require special skill.
Chinese food was served in small portions which did not require cutting with a knife or fork.
The international situation had become so tense, it would require proficient diplomats to handle it with kid gloves.
The art of modern warfare does not necessarily require soldiers to be armed to the teeth to be effective as combatants.
Some illnesses require daily medication to stay alive. The three most basic needs that are required to stay alive, are food, water and shelter.
it wastes the buyer's time and may require an adjusting credit note to be issued
I think this company requires some big changes. (Uważam, że ta firma wymaga dużych zmian.) You require more money than any other kid in Japan. (Potrzebujesz więcej pieniędzy, niż niejedno dziecko w Japonii.
Training to be a doctor requires a lot of hard work. [+ that] A recent law requires that all programmes are censored.
As far as I'm concerned, laws that require drivers to wear seatbelts are paternalistic.
Inglês palavra "требовать"(require) ocorre em conjuntos:
500 most important Russian verbs 301 - 325Words to describe sportimpair ухудшать, ослаблятьHealthy HabitsTOP Words. Part 22. Demand
How to meet future energy demand is a big question we must consider.
to demand
Decency, security, and liberty alike demand that government officials shall be subjected to the same rules of conduct that are commands to the citizen.
The Parisian police, he said, "are exceedingly able in their way. They are persevering, ingenious, cunning, and thoroughly versed in the knowledge which their duties seem chiefly to demand."
This new model of car is so popular that they have had to open a new factory to meet the demand.
The current imbalance between supply and demand is considered to reflect structural changes on the demand side, rather than being a cyclical phenomenon.
In Japan there are a lot of translations from English to Japanese and from Japanese to English, but there isn't much real demand for Japanese to Spanish or Spanish to Japanese.
As soon as the land of any country has all become private property, the landlords, like all other men, love to reap where they never sowed, and demand a rent even for its natural produce.
I'm afraid this sounds like a demand, but could you return the money I lent you the other day?
They vote in secret, may seek public office, and may demand the removal of public officials who behave improperly.
What Microsoft is launching is a beta version of its "NetShow streaming server"; it supplies video and audio on demand.
Sales at the company zoomed thanks to brisk export demand, but profit did not keep up because of intense competition.
"I want to know who threw away the batteriries." He demanded to know who threw away the batteriries
Women should demand more respect. (Kobiety powinny domagać się większego szacunku.) Who gave you the right to demand anything? (Kto dał ci prawo, żeby czegokolwiek żądać?)
According to the author Joe Marconi, books that are labeled "Harvard Classics" can demand twice the price.
3. claim
He claimed that...
We want to claim damages. Lots of people claim to have seen alien space craft in the night sky, but we are still not sure if it's true.
One of our representatives will handle your claim.
The war claimed millions of lives. No terrorist attack in history had claimed so many lives.
I will be waiting for you at baggage claim.
The President cannot make clouds to rain and cannot make the corn to grow, he cannot make business good; although when these things occur, political parties do claim some credit for the good things that have happened in this way.
The incumbent's rival is taking issue with the claim that crime was reduced by 50% under the current administration.
The only reason why Ferdinand Magellan could claim to be the first man to sail across all of the world's meridians was because Christopher Columbus had chosen to swim.
American Indians have a fair historical right to claim they got a raw deal from the government.
The claim of community involvement is just window dressing; City Hall will do what it wants to anyhow.
. It's strange that he didn't claim anything for damages. (To dziwne, że on nie domagał się niczego za zniszczenia.) She claims half of my estate. (Ona rości sobie prawo do połowy mojego majątku.)
I claim that the truth will always be reveiled. And it will always defend.
An employee shall be entitled to make a claim for repair of damage caused by the employer.
My mother-in-law is a stubborn and claim person.
Poland has a claim to Germany because Germany to destroy Poland during Second World War. I have a claim from My friends.
Inglês palavra "требовать"(claim) ocorre em conjuntos:
TOP Words. Part 2