500 most important Russian verbs 301 - 325

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questão resposta
to insist
He insisted that I come with him.
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Он настоял, чтобы я шла с ним.
to spread
The disease spread all over the country.
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Эта болезнь распространилась по всей стране.
to sustain
He was desperately trying to sustain the conversation.
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Он отчаянно пытался поддержать разговор.
to stink
Our dog stinks horribly.
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Наша собака ужастно воняет.
to surround
The police immediately surrounded the building.
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Полиция сразу же окружила дом.
to produce
This factory produces tons of chocolate every day.
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Эта фабрика производит тонну шоколада ежедневно.
to kick
Kick the ball as hard as you can.
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Пни мяч так сильно, как только можешь.
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