dicionário polonês - Inglês

język polski - English

Wypełnić inglês:

1. Fill Fill

Fill it up.
Make your airplane reservations early since flights fill up quickly around Christmas.
Who will fill in for Tom when he is away?
This form looks kind of complicated. Help me fill it out.
Corporations are competing to fill the vacuum.
I use the subject line to determine the contents so please fill it in.
Promises don't fill up your stomach.
He who seeks a flawless horse or flawless wife, may rest assured that even if his work he did forsake, nor bed nor stable would he ever fill.
The new accounting procedures require us to fill out different forms for reporting expenses.
It looks like we've been able to fill in that one year gap and renew our old friendship.
Hui Shi had many ingenious notions. His writings would fill five carriages; but his doctrines were erroneous and contradictory, and his words were wide of their mark.
You can't fill your stomach with the food left on your beard.
The smell of smoke filled the room. The streets filled with tourists. Fill the bucket with water.
By the age of 7 she had filled a notebook with plans for a time machine that only she could understand.
Remove the cap from the ink refill bottle, fill the dropper with ink, and drip an appropriate amount onto the marker's core.

2. Fill in

Please fill in this immigration form before landing.
I had to fill in five forms.
fill in a form
Please fill in this form and return it to your doctor.
Please fill in these forms.
Please fill in your name and address in the space provided.
And, therefore, the same form you must fill in.
Innovation: Imagine the future and fill in the gaps
please fill in the application form
He asked me to fill in a tax from.
An amazing number of people miss out on jobs because they don't fill in the application form properly.
Please fill in the application form and send it to us by 28 February.
Who will fill in for Tom when he is away? You have to fill in this form, and return it to the personnel manager.
Please fill in your name, date of birth and address on this form.
First fill in here and sign at the bottom of the page, please.

Inglês palavra "Wypełnić"(Fill in) ocorre em conjuntos:

Pharsal Verbs Buisness
Phrasal Verbs