D Phrasal verbs U2

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Practise and improve your skills or knowledge of sth
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Brush up (on)
Change your opinion or decision because sb has persuaded you to agree with them
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Come (a)round (to)
Think of sth such as an idea or a plan
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Come up with
Accept sth and try to deal with it
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Face up to
Be able to understand sth or solve a problem; understand what sb is like and why that behave in the way they do
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Figure out
Suddenly have an idea; discover sth by chance
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Hit upon
See, hear or understand sb or sth with difficulty; suggest, imply
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Make out
Think carefully about sth over a period of time
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Mull over
Learn the truth about sth by considering all the separate bits of information you have
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Piece together
Solve a confusing or complicated problem by thinking carefully about it
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Puzzle out
Get information on a particular subject by reading a lot about it
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Read up (on/about)
Study sth very hard, especially for an exam
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Swot up (on)
Understand and remember sth that you hear or read; accept sth as real or true; trick sb into believing sth that isn’t true
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Take in
Consider a problem or decision carefully
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Think over
Consider the facts about sth in an organised and thorough way
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Think through
Invent or imagine sth, especially an excuse
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Think up

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