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Where are you going?
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When I want to know where someone is planning get to.
how much is it? = How much does it cost?
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I want to know how much have to pay for something.
I'm a little embarrassed
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When I feel ashamed or shy
I'm a little confused
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I'm unable to think clearly or to understand sth.
I'm tired and I need a nap.
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If someone ask me "how are you today?" and I have had a tiring day.
I can do it / I can handle it
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If I want to ensure someone that I'm able to do sth.
It's nice to see you again!
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When I'm happy to see someone.
Nice to meet you!
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When I meet someone for the first time.
It depends on the nature of the person.
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When I'm talking about different people's behavior.
Opinions are divided.
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When some individuals have different opinions about sth.
You have a charming smile.
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When I want to give a girl a compliment about her smile.
Could you lend me a pen?
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When I don't have any pen and want to ask polite to have one.
Just because she's pretty, doesn't mean she can act this way.
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I express an opinion about a rude behavior of pretty girl.
Just because two people got married?
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I express an opinion that someone's wedding isn't an important information.
Have you seen this man?
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I'm looking for somoeone and want to know did my interlocutor see this man ever.
The Prime Minister has been kidnapped by Terrorists.
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Terrorists have just kidnapped a prime minister.
They can be very annoying!
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About some people who irritate me.
It's definitely something I'll remember for the rest of my life.
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I talk about some happening affected me very much.
I suppose you're right.
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I agree with someone but I'm not totally sure.
I don't agree with that.
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I'm against sth/opposite to sth.
So you don't want to help me?
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I can't believe that somebody won't help me.
So he didn't tell the truth.
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I want to say that someone lied.
How do you propose we do that?
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I ask for opinion about other way to do sth.
Don't make me laugh.
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Someone do/say sth funny or stupid and I say to him...
How can you say that!
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When I'm disgusted with sth what someone said.
As I said before...
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When I want to mention sth again in my speech.
i missed you/ I have missed you.
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When I didn't see someone for a long time and all the time I've wanted to see him.
I'm looking for something. Do you know where it is?
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I want to find sth and ask for help.
I had better things to do.
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I'd like to explain why didn't do sth/ why I was absent.
The majority of people/ Most of people
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When I'm talking about more than half of people.
How do you feel about politics?
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I'd like to ask about someone's view at policy.
I'm not bothered/ I don't care.
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I don't pay attention to sth...
I regret what happened
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I didn't want sth what happened.
I'm studying at a last minute
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I'm not studying in advance.
loosen up, relax
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I'd like to make someone calmer.
Can you handle that?
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I want to be sure that someone can do sth.
I'm supposed to do something
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I should do sth.
I think so
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In my opinion someone's thought is right.
I consider myself to be...
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I think I am...
What does it mean?
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I want do know meaning of sth.
he committed suicide because of me.
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I was the reason of someone's suicide.
Could you send me files/notes from last lesson?
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I didn't attend to the last lesson and I want notes or files from last lesson.
one thing i learnt from horror movies is that ghosts are good at operating electrical devices.
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About funny fact from horror movies that ghost every time use elektrical devices.
Anything you need, just let me know
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I offer my help.
I'm not sure if I should... (do something)
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I'm not sure if do something is right.
As you wish.
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I agree to someone's will.
Wish you were here
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I regret that someone isn't here.
properly, correctly
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Sth is right.
lack of experience
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Not enough of experience.
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Look down.
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You can't write sth.
He is on sick leave
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He is sick and is absent at work.
I got my mind set on sth.
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I'm focused on sth.
The shop is about to close.
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The shop is going to be close in a few minutes.
neither I/He/She
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a negative fact is also true to me/him/her.
either ... or
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you are giving a choice of two or more things
I beg your pardon.
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used for saying "sorry" in polite way when you made a mistake or to show that you strongly disagree or that you are angry about something that someone has said.
I'm sorry, I need to run to catch the bus.
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I have to go because I don't want to be late for the bus.
I'll call you later and you can tell me everything in detail
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I can't talking with someone anymore so I promise to make a call later.
Anyway, I must get going.
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W każdym razie muszę iść.
Well, It's time I got back home now.
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I must go back home.
a stain
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I spilled/poured out some fruit juice on my new shirt so I have ... on it.
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to be greater than a number or amount, or to go past an allowed limit
lose the temper
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to suddenly become angry.
to overextend
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to spend too much money, or borrow more money than you can pay back/ to try to do more work or other activities than you can manage:
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higher in rank or social position than others:
joint venture
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wspólne przedzięwzięcie
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nieporządek / bałagan
it's all rigged
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to wszystko jest sztywne/ z góry ustalone
to estimate
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scattered through
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rozsiane pośród
I ain't houling it
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pot. Nie robię tego/ nie tykam tego
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śmieć/ rupieć
there you go
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tam idziesz
it's a rough brough
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to szorstki korytarz
Who you talking to?
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pot. Do kogo mówisz?
to narrate
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to carry
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nosić / dźwigać
there's a bathroom on it
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tam jest łazienka w środku/ na pokładzie
A minor upgrade
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Drobne uaktualnienie
Put it on!
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Załóż to!
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I gotta go
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pot. Muszę iść
Hang on!
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Trzymaj się!
I flipped in
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Włączyłem się/ wtrąciłem się
thin walls
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cienkie ściany
a video diary
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pamiętnik wideo
Get in the frame!
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pot. Wejdź w kadr!
something skimpy
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coś skąpego
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nieodpowiednie/niewłaściwe/nie na miejscu
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to get bumped up to asset management
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aby dostać się do zarządzania aktywami
to snoring a bunch
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chrapać głośno
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pień/bagażnik samochodowy
there is a gray area
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jest szara strefa
He gonna call me.
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Zadzwoni do mnie/wezwie mnie.
It'll lead to a real job.
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Prowadzi to do prawdziwej pracy.
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Arkusz kalkulacyjny
linear acceleration
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przyspieszenie liniowe
the angle
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Kąt (geometria)
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to staring
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patrzeć/ gapić się
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pełzający/ przerażający
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inaczej/ w innym przypadku
You have reached something
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Osiągnąłeś coś/ otrzymałeś coś
to swear
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1. przeklinać 2. przysięgać
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roztargniony/ rozproszony
required by
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wymagane przez
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zazdrosny (o ludzi)
I can't afford
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Nie mogę sobie pozwolić
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I screwed it up!
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Spieprzyłem to!
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I must to think it over.
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Muszę to przemyśleć.
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niezręczny, niezgrabny, niezdarny
you get pissed at something.
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wkurzasz się na coś
you are stuck in
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jesteś zablokowany, utknąłeś
very dense urban area
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bardzo gęsty obszar miejski
in particular / particularly
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w szczególności / szczególnie
in particular (Are you looking for anything in particular?)
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w szczególności (Czy szukasz czegoś w szczególności?)
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zwłaszcza / szczególnie
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this station is called Poznań main station
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stacja ta nazywa się dworzec główny w Poznaniu
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There is no comparison.
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Nie ma porównania.
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In low light.
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W słabym oświetleniu, przy słabym oświetleniu.
It's very confusing for me to choose one.
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To bardzo trudne(zastanawiające) dla mnie, aby wybrać jeden.
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chyba że
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zachęcać/ popierać
the first option is as common as the second one
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pierwsza opcja jest tak popularna, jak druga
in brackets ([])
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two lines around extra information that should be separated from the main part(w nawiasie)
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a piece of paper that a doctor gives you that says what type of medicine you need.
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a small piece of medicine that you swallow with water.
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a pain that is continuous and unpleasant, but usually not very strong.
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you feel weak or ill because you have lost a lot of water from your body by not drinking enough. You are...
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an illness, usually not a serious one.
sore throat
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You feel a pain inside your neck/in your throat
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feeling as if you might vomit:
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extremely tired:
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a lot of small red spots on the skin:
make an appointment at the dentist's.
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When you want to meet a doctor you should...
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to walk slowly and with difficulty because of having an injured or painful leg or foot:
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air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control. You...
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Look up.

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