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Psuć się
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Break down
My car broke down in the middle of nowhere.
Wybuchać (np. o wojnie, pożarze)
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Break out (eg. The war, fire)
He was living in London when the war broke out.
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Carry on
Carry on, please. I’m listening.
Odzyskać przytomność
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Come round
Her mum lost consciousness and hasn’t come round yet.
Przychodzić (w odwiedziny)
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Come round
Paul is coming round to my house for tea.
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Die out
Some species will die out due to climate change.
Przetrwać (finansowo)
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Get by
He only earns just enough to get by.
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Go down
The number of people gettting married is going down.
Włączyć się
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Go off
The fire alarm went off during my History class.
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Go out
All the lights went out.
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Go up
The prices of food are going up.
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Grow up
When will you finally grow up?
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Hold on
Yeah, hold on, Mike is right here.
Kłaść się
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Lie down
I feel dizzy. I must lie down.
Odkładać na bok
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Lay sth down
He finished the article and laid the newspaper down on his deck.
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Make off
The burglars made off with goods worth 100€
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Nod off
The lecture was so boring that several students nodded off.
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Pass away
He was in shock when his mother passed away.
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Pass out (faint)
She suddenly felt dizzy and passed out.
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Set out/off
We’d better set off/out now before it gets dark.
Rozstać się
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Split up
After 30 years my parents decided to split up.
Wyróżniać się
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Stand out
He stands out as the most experienced candidate.
Zostawać w domu
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Stay in
She wants to stay in and relax on the sofa.
Ustępować ze stanowiska
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Step down
After the protest the mayor decided to step down.
Startować (o samolocie)
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Take off (a plane)
My plane is supposed to take off in 45 minutes.
Okazać się
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Turn out
It turned out that we had missed the train.
Pojawiać się
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Turn up
He turned up late as usual.

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